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  1. L

    single coils for HSS superstrat

    I need some single coils for a HSS superstrat, I currently have a duncan distortion in the bridge and im pretty happy with it, but the single coils I believe are dimarzio blue velvet and they are really low output for my tastes, can anyone recommend me a good single coil for the middle and neck...
  2. L

    Einstein in new york

    Does anyone know where I can check out the einstein in New York? I cant find anyone who has one for me to check out, thanks in advance -
  3. L

    DSL 50 VS JSX

    I was at GC jamming around and they had a JSX out, right next to a 5150II and a XXX and some DSL's, now is it me or does the JSX kick the shit out of everything on the list? should I be grabbing one of these?