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  1. WyvernClaw

    Thoughts on a vhx

    Not sure what genre you're looking for, but if you're into anything past earlier thrash metal and standard tuning, I don't hear unanimous high praise for the VH4. There is some, to be sure, but most people find it just too dry and not tight enough. On the other hand, I also hear others describe...
  2. WyvernClaw

    VHX or VH4

    I've also voiced this sentiment in other threads. I haven't been able to compare any other Diezels directly, but the VHX is my favorite amp. Mostly for the tone, but also for the features. If you only need a small handful of sounds to set and forget and maybe fiddle with once every year or two...
  3. WyvernClaw

    Does the VHX nail the tones of other Diezels?

    Haven't compared to other Diezels myself, but the consensus seems to be that yes, it can. And even if it's not quite there (which doesn't seem to be the case), it sounds so good in its own right that there's no way you'll be disappointed if it's the kind of amp you're looking for. I bought it...
  4. WyvernClaw

    VHX and Columbus

    I found out the hard way that the Columbus doesn't support this function. Was pretty frustrating to discover that, as you'd think something that's sold as a MIDI controller and not just a footswitch would at least advertise that it doesn't do control changes since that's exactly why I bought...
  5. WyvernClaw

    VHX Updates

    This is pretty much exactly what I'd hoped for in relation to the pitch shift improvements. From my initial tests, it seems up to speed with what I'm used to in my other gear now. Haven't messed much with the new reverbs and delays yet, but this amp just keeps getting better and better.
  6. WyvernClaw

    VHX Updates

    Yes, I have been using pedal. Poly is basically unusable with distortion. Unfortunately even the pedal algorithm is noticeably lacking compared to modelers. It's usable, but barely with the latency so high and a bigger roll off on the top end. Can't wait for the changes though! I'm not much...
  7. WyvernClaw

    VHX Updates

    The pitch shift changes are what excites me the most with this. The ability to down tune a half or full step at the push of a button on my Axe-Fx and Kemper became invaluable to me and was a huge selling point for me with the VHX by having that feature built in to a tube amp. But it was fairly...
  8. WyvernClaw

    VHX vs VH4 + Axe-FX III

    As far as effects go, the VHX has all I need and then some. If too many options and endless tweaking was an issue you experienced with the Axe-Fx III then I think the VHX will really help you plug in and play without being too limiting. Now, that said, I am not a big effects user. Mostly just a...
  9. WyvernClaw

    NGD: Diezel VHX and 412 FV

    That really surprised me too when mine showed up lol. I figured it'd have at least 4 like my Mesa cab.
  10. WyvernClaw

    NGD: Diezel VHX and 412 FV

    Hey, I use the 16ohm mono output in the center.
  11. WyvernClaw

    Diezel User Gallery

    Posted the NGD when I got the cab, but here's my rig. Or at least the Diezel portion of it.
  12. WyvernClaw

    NGD: Diezel VHX and 412 FV

    Thanks again! I feel I made the right choice with the VHX as well, so I'm not GASing for anything either. More curious than anything. Sounds like I actually may not enjoy the Hagen so much; I'm a very high gain kinda guy that doesn't like to need a boost/drive pedal of any kind, and I hear...
  13. WyvernClaw

    NGD: Diezel VHX and 412 FV

    Thank you! Would really like to try some of the other models to compare. Herbert MK III is on the top of my list, but I'm intrigued by the Hagen as well, which I've seen you praise quite a lot around here. But it's hard to find anything Diezel, or really much in the way of high end amps in...
  14. WyvernClaw

    NGD: Diezel VHX and 412 FV

    I've had the VHX for about 4 months now, I've probably raved enough about it in other threads already so I'll spare another long winded assessment of it unless someone is really curious about my thoughts. However, the cab just showed up today and I never made any sort of proper NGD post about...
  15. WyvernClaw

    Help picking a diezel

    VHX is my recommendation for modern metal. From what I understand, it has more gain than the others, but still capable of achieving the sounds of all of Diezel's other amps. But with the extra bit of gain and flexibility to change the voicing to tighter sounds and go into its own thing, I find I...
  16. WyvernClaw

    Questions for VH2 owners

    I'm pretty relieved to hear that, thanks for checking it out! Sometimes I second guess myself and worry "Is this too bright/shrill?" or "Do I just happen to enjoy sub-par guitar tones?" Haha. I have experimented with other settings, but they just don't sound and feel right for my style, too dark...
  17. WyvernClaw

    Questions for VH2 owners

    Thanks, Leo. I'll give that a shot, though I did notice in my testing yesterday that the Engl was actually a lot harsher than I remembered with the cab facing directly at me. I think part of it was I raised the Engl's volume a tad to match what I had going with the VHX which perhaps made it less...
  18. WyvernClaw

    Questions for VH2 owners

    I had this same experience with my VHX. Through the same speaker cabinet (A Mesa Rectifier 412 slant cab), my Engl SE sounds fairly consistent at any angle and almost better when facing the speaker directly. But the VHX sounds incredibly harsh and unpleasant in the same position, I have to angle...
  19. WyvernClaw

    Need help with American voltage!

    This may have been me. My converter was labeled as only a 220 step up converter, but was measuring closer to 250 when I took a multimeter to the outlet. Fluctuations with power are somewhat normal from what I hear, but over 30v is pretty excessive. So to the OP, no matter which one you wind up...
  20. WyvernClaw

    Best customer support

    This is why I bought a VHX without a second thought, even though I'm in Canada and there are no dealers around to be able to try one in person. Just from reading all the many posts on this forum over the years, I knew if I had any questions or issues, Peter would be on it, or in my case, Leo as...