Search results

  1. J

    Post your guitar family shots (couch/bed/lawn/whatever, just all of them in one shot okay or don't play)

    What is the 5th from the left in that natural finish? gorgeous guitar
  2. J

    Fractal or Kemper, that's my question

    I owned both. The Kemper was brief as I was pretty disappointed with it. The Fractal was everything I had hoped and much more. I'm not drinking the koolaid as much as some of the guys on the fractal forum but I did a significant firmware update from 21 to 27 after my living situation kept my Axe...
  3. J

    Bogner Snorkler 50 in Action!

    This sounds great! How do you like it for lead playing and how is the loop?? Are you going to use it primarily for that 90s AIC sound or do you think it is diverse enough to cover other territory just as well?
  4. J

    What's your next amp / guitar / pedal?

    Amp: Ground Zero MOAB or Sniper mod Guitar: Happy with my current stable but maybe a 7-string one day Pedal: I'll probably bite on the Fractal VP4
  5. J

    Is anyone having luck moving gear?

    I've been offloading gear since the spring and it has gotten progressively slower. The last thing I have listed is my BE100 Deluxe and I think it is priced very favorably and it has just sat still the past few weeks. The lower $ items move quicker which is no surprise to me though. I don't have...
  6. J

    Best clean on a high gainer ?

    I really liked the cleans on my 97' Bogner 101b, Friedman Custom, and my Mark III++ Green Stripe. Probably the best I've tried out of the amps i've owned.
  7. J

    Hermansson / Ground Zero Rectifier Mods

    No spam here! All good with me.
  8. J

    Goldman Sachs buying Marshall??

    Goldman Sachs is likely only providing advisory services to Marshall about what they should do. It generally means things aren't going well when a company publicly announces it is undergoing a "strategic review". They'll likely launch an auction process to sell the entire company or just the...
  9. J

    Hermansson / Ground Zero Rectifier Mods

    Exactly what I was looking for some insight on. Thank you!
  10. J

    Hermansson / Ground Zero Rectifier Mods

    Hey everyone, I've seen a few people on the forum who have had multiple versions from these guys. I.e. had a Hermansson they sold, then later got a different revision to send to have modded. I'm curious to see what people's thoughts are who have tried multiple versions of these mods by various...
  11. J

    Favorite Pickups for Les Paul Custom?

    OP here. I tried my LP Custom with the Custombuckers against the Gibson Adam Jones LP Standard. I was using both through my Friedman BE100 Deluxe and I have to say I liked the lower output of the Custombuckers versus the hotter bridge pickup in the AJ Standard (I think its similar to a Duncan...
  12. J

    Favorite Pickups for Les Paul Custom?

    Had never heard of Wagner pickups before. I need to check them out after a few mentions here.
  13. J

    Favorite Pickups for Les Paul Custom?

    Thanks for this! I'll check those videos out.
  14. J

    Favorite Pickups for Les Paul Custom?

    Thanks for that. It is a M2M from 2024 that the original owner flipped after a few months.
  15. J

    Favorite Pickups for Les Paul Custom?

    That's great to hear. I haven't heard much about the Aldrich neck pickup. Have you tried that one?
  16. J

    Favorite Pickups for Les Paul Custom?

    Hey everyone, Just got my first LP custom used. Nice ebony board, weighs about 10lbs. It has some custombuckers in it currently that are fairly low output (8.0K at the bridge). Thinking of maybe swapping them out. What's everyone's favorite set? I've never tried the 500T, 498T or 490R. I hear a...
  17. J

    Best chorus pedals

    I went through a bunch and settled on the Free The Tone Tri-Avatar. It is a great chorus.
  18. J

    best Gibson Les Paul for thrash and modern metal that shreds

    This is super helpful thank you!
  19. J

    best Gibson Les Paul for thrash and modern metal that shreds

    How much of a difference is there between the 498T and 500T. I have an LP Custom coming with a 498T in it and I was looking to swap it if i don't like it. I have heard mixed reviews on the 498T. The Suhr Aldrich seems to get a lot of love for an Les Paul.
  20. J

    Anyone love modulation?

    Favorite tri-chorus in pedal format i've come across!