I found the Aldrich to be pretty sensitive to height position, a few turns on the screws could change it quite a bit. Once I found the sweet spot the only gripe I had was it was slightly more compressed than I was hoping
Yep that was great stuff!!
Deep talent in both classes this year. Glad Chase got the win, he needed to get that at A1. Little disappointed for Eli, but he had some great lines after going down. Anderson looked good too. Roczen looked great too.
Track was tricky, the whoop section was kinda...
Sorry Ted
I know your somewhere over on the west coast, I hope that shit is not getting to your place. Lots of dominos are gonna fall in Cali when this is over. The sheer tsunami of stupid may bring change when it recedes.
It sux this is happening to one of the most beautiful places in the...
Hang in there Keith
I can’t think of a single leftist progressive who ever gave a shit about whatever it was they were in charge of as far as the native population goes. The job or position is always used as a vehicle to achieve the same thing from a different angle.
It’s been interesting to...
My favorite DR tone of all time is on the “Dogman” album by Kings X. Not just the rhythm tone, but the lead tone as well.
Have no idea which rev those heads were but they were brutal and slamming but not fizzy, just fat and musical. Ty has an uncommonly good ear for dialing amps, an almost...
Poor charveldan …
He’s gonna make this as painful on himself as is humanly possible while the rest of us laugh and laugh at the river of stupid he never fails to exhibit…
You go boy!
You do know the Russia thing was totally debunked years ago, right?
That was the democrat traitors on your side trying to divide and conquer,
and yet nearly a decade later you are still spouting the same ignorance.
Poor mind numbingly stupid charveldan..
If he is nothing else, at least he’s...