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  1. jack-2

    Can anyone cross compare BKP with MCP??

    if anyone can compare the two brands and their sister models I'd be grateful :) (with tone/eq/etc differences)
  2. jack-2

    Is it possible to get the Suhr Gotoh floyd in a 7 string?

    title says it. is it possible? id love to get one in black
  3. jack-2

    Recommend an amp, whole heartedly

    It has been a while since I threaded here, mostly been lurking and admiring Suhrs haha, but here is the dilemma: I have a 6505+ going into a 2x12, v30/g12k100. I clean boost it. I play deathmetal/core/shred/etc whatever you would like to call it. I play in B-standard (ala 7 string) I am not...
  4. jack-2

    Herbert Schematic?

    Does anyone have an Herbert Schematic? I would like to learn about the circuitry behind the amplifier and its capabilities (multiple tubes, channel modes, etc.)
  5. jack-2

    Mark V --- will it do recent Cannibal Corpse tone/riffage?

    intriguing! I don't know if this will be possible or not...
  6. jack-2

    V30+G12K-100 in 2x12?

    Is this a good combo for detuned, tight, thick death/metal/core/etc ??