Search results

  1. boba fett

    Adam looking for...

    well, maybe someone can help him out: "15 October, 2012 (08:44pm) ADAM JONES IN SEARCH OF A BLUE FACE DIEZEL VH4 AMP (1996) ADAM is looking for a 1996 Blue Face Diezel VH4 amplifier. Perhaps you can help him? Anyone who knows of an available one (exact year, color & model please!) should...
  2. boba fett

    Probleme mit AxeFx-Ultra vor Diezel VH4 (nur für Effekte)

    Hallo zusammen, ich bleibe mal im germanisch-Modus, sonst wirds kompliziert... Ich habe mir ein AxeFx-Ultra zugelegt, um es als Vorschaltgerät vor einem Diezel VH4 zu benutzen - nur für Effekte. Ich möchte es nicht unbedingt in die Amp-loop hängen, da die Dynamikeffekte m.M.n. vor der Vorstufe...
  3. boba fett

    PR30 by Heil - wow!

    well, not exactly a "diezel" topic: `did a small foh job recently and used a heil pr30 (new to me) and a E906 (which I am quite used to) on the same cab. checking sounds by headphone the pr30 was far more transparent and open than the 906 to my ears - made me go :yes: recommendation!! anyone...
  4. boba fett

    incredible service and top-notch sound

    This is a BIG THANK YOU to the Diezel company for the really awesome service I experienced the last weeks: my VH4 was unfortunately afflicted by evidently bad manufactured tubes and another technical problem. Peter responded lightning-fast and helped out in a way, I never experienced with any...
  5. boba fett

    Experience in combining VH4 and AxeFxUltra?

    Hi, is anyone here, who has some experience in combining a VH4 with the AxeFx ("4-cable-method"). I am willing to get rid of my way too heavy fx-board and also experiment with some different preamps. I just tweaked the Axefx for about 2 hours (and shurely guess I will have to take way more...
  6. boba fett

    VH4 is a true monster

    Hi I am new here :) . Just wanted to rush in and give some quick thoughts on the VH4, which Im using since just a few weeks. I was used quiet a while to the sound of a Rivera KR100 + K3x12sub, capable of some unique and beautiful tones - and the sub delivers an awesome LF boost - but that is...