Search results

  1. Ailean

    Is this going to need a repair? (VH4) HELP! (Fixed :) )

    Hi all Sue was playing her VH4 yesterday when it suddenly got noisy and then a smell of burning filled the room. It was a smell I associate with electrical components. The amp continued to work, but we switched it off and checked it over. Fuses 3 and 4 had blown, three looked almost new but...
  2. Ailean

    Looking after your power tubes at home

    Hi all We all know that valve amps sound best when the tubes have gotten good and hot, and we all know that you should put the amp on standby when not playing. However, at what point should you switch off the amp? If you are not intending to play for say an hour, is it better to leave the amp...
  3. Ailean

    Switch setting for 6L6 in VH4 and bias question.

    Hi all My lovely new VH4 has unfortunately blown a tube (or maybe 2) :( That is being sorted. In the mean time I'd like to try a set of NOS Phillips 7581A (6L6GC/ STR387) that I have. These are of the 6L6 type but run at 35w each rather than the usual 25w, so 140w total for the quad Ok, so I...
  4. Ailean

    VH4. Bit confused over the fault indicators

    Hi all Loving my VH4 :rock: Only had it a month, but it rocks! However, looks like I've been hit with a faulty power tube. I had a loud POP through the speakers the other night, everything seemed ok so I thought nothing of it. However I noticed today that indicator lights 1 and 2 were lit...
  5. Ailean

    Diezel cab mini review

    On Tuesday I received 2 Diezel 4x12's. One front loaded with v30's, the other rear loaded with Hempcones. This evening I had a little play with them going head to head (and also with my Orange 4x12 rear v30). The hempcone is wonderful and my favourite of the two. Very nicely balanced and...
  6. Ailean

    Sanity check on VH4 stack wiring

    Hi all Yesterday I got my pair of Diazel cabs. Woo HOO! (thanks Diezel!) To set them up as a stack I plug them into the left hand vertical pair of output ports lablled '1x4Ohm 2x8Ohm' right? The only thing that puzzles me is why the sound quieter then when I had the VH4 driving a single...
  7. Ailean

    Half stack / Full stack

    I'd like to canvass a few opinions on this subject, please note this is for HOME use only. Here is the reason I'm asking... I've just bought a Diezel VH4 and 4x12 cab. The VH4 I have, the cab is awaiting construction. I already have and Orange rockerverb 50 and Orange 4x12. However, the Orange...
  8. Ailean

    NAD VH4

    WooHoo! My VH4 turned up today. Bloody awsome amp, I've not scratched the surface yet, but I'm loving it. Thanks to Peter and everyone at Diezel and Diezel UK! :thumbsup: :D :rock: :D PS. Yes I think the cat is Evil incarnate.
  9. Ailean

    What is SED? (yeah it's a n00b question)

    Ok, I understand the various types of valves, but I keep seeing references to SED 6550's. Is SED a manufacturer? Is it a moniker for a particular type of 6550, like the winged C? What does 'SED' mean? :confused: :doh: Cheers in advance!
  10. Ailean

    VH4 power consumption

    Hi all What is the maximum power consumption of a VH4? Ok, I know the power tubes will vary, but I assume the consumption will be power tubes + X. I'm thinking of getting a power conditioner, and want to work out the rating I'd need. Cheers all! Edit: Forget it, I should have used the search...
  11. Ailean

    NooB question about tubes

    Hi all First let me say 'Hi' as it's my first post on this forum. I'm currently awaiting the delivery of my VH4 and H412R, the cab is still in Germany, and possibly not even built yet! Hurry back from Frankfurt boys! (but enjoy yourselves while you are there :) ) Anyway, my question... The...