So, here are some pictures of the underneath of the socket and then the top. I’m pretty sure it’s an issue with a few of the metal pins, but might as well and get the socket replaced.
Is there any harm in playing the amp through the low input like this?
I was going to discharge caps and resistors with a resistor and wire to ground, but duly noted.
As is, I wouldn’t mind getting my inputs shielded, so might as well have a tech take care of everything.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Yep, compared to the other sockets, the troubled one has more give. I can get sound back for a few seconds before it fades away.
Upon further inspection it looks like a few of the metal contacts are popping up, so perhaps I can try to tighten those before...
So, I was messing around with preamp tubes in the V1 of my Mojotone 800 and all of the sudden I lost sound.
Going back to my original tube it looks like only half of the first preamp tube lights up and I only get sound in the low sensitivity input, but not the high.
All other preamp and power...
I’ll jump in here as someone who has owned a JVM twice.
It really is a versatile amp and hard to beat given the used prices.
Killertone posted some great clips over at the JVM forum eons ago that were epic. One was thrashy AF and the other was an awesome blend with an Engl Blackmore.
Thanks. I liked that it almost had the low end of a recto/uberschall but with a bit more British voicing. It reminded me a bit of a Splawn Nitro, but with a bit more saturation/fizz (in a good way).
Stopped in my local mom and pop music store today and tried the MkII 50 watt head through a matching 2x12.
Came in with zero info (and thus zero expectation) and was pleasantly surprised. The lower mid voicing def tickled my pickle.
They are running a 15% off sale on PRS guitars and they...