I would imagine that Pete Townsend probably had the loudest stage volume of anyone.I actually was up against the stage and heard Blackmore's stage volume. This was at the first two Rainbow shows in the US, they played on Long Island and NYC.
I never forgot the volume. Only guy I heard w/ same stage volume was Robin Trower. Again, right up against the stage.
Those were not TGP volumes.
The first band to hold that record in fact.I vaguely remember that Blue Cheer had the Guinness Book record for the loudest band at one time.
When I had a small warehouse space for storage I had a couple chances super late at night to run two Custom 100 full stacks cranked to max and slammed the inputs with a cranked Treble Booster, a couple different fuzz pedals, and a Soldano SLO Pedal. The signal was split stereo with my Fulltone Tape Echo. I had a Friedman 412/15 paired with a JCM 800 Bass cab on one side, and a Bogner 412B and Electric Amps 412 on rhe other side.I would imagine that Pete Townsend probably had the loudest stage volume of anyone.
I only say that because my old 50 watt Hiwatt DR 504 would totally bury a 100 watt Marshall.....like not even close.
Pete used several 100 watt Hiwatt full stacks......that must have been mental!!!!!
Something to be said about having the sound thump you.As a musician, who enjoys listening to music, I’m baffled by the desire to expose oneself to deafening sound levels. Do painters splash acetone in their eyes on purpose?
Hearing loss, adrenaline and machismo.As a musician, who enjoys listening to music, I’m baffled by the desire to expose oneself to deafening sound levels. Do painters splash acetone in their eyes on purpose?
For me it's a toss up between Kiss in 1984 or Yngwie in either 86 or 87 on the Trilogy tour.Blackfoot in 87 was the loudest band I’ve ever seen.
I remember seeing Pantera in a theater in Boston (Orpheum?) just before, or around the release of Far Beyond Driven, iirc and the intensity of Vinnie’s kick drum was off the charts. Ear plugs didn’t matter. Because of the low end you were physically feeling it right through your chest.That's why concert sound is so sterile these days. Guys playing their digital units thru the PA. No volume, no excitement. Just fucking sheep holding their phones up.
So glad I saw so many great shows 70's- 2000's, and they were loud. In the clubs too. Not this neutered sound of digital cartoons.
I can’t blame Manowar for wanting to drown themselves outI once saw a show with Motorhead opening for Manowar, that was both the loudest stage and the loudest show overall I´ve ever heard. But this was in the 90s and I imagine it was far louder going further back.