🚨 A Transgender Checked Me Out At The Grocery Store 🚨

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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What Do ?

  • Later dude !

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • I will pray for you

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Set phaser at brave and stunning

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • You're not fooling anyone !

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thank you for your service

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Dude. Stop.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rock out with your cock out

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • You do you, homie !

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Do you know the difference between a vitamin and a hormone ? You can't make a Vita "min"

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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In your fantasy, do you think a child would consent to anal sex with a group of adults?

What are you, some kind of child sex pervert? You're even sicker than I thought. You make me want to vomit.

Was that child trafficking movie about you????
Funny thing is YOU support the Pride month and the children being exposed to it and NOW you say the above...........you're a hypocrite who is insane.
ONCE again, where is RAPE mentioned? Stay on track.............as I'm not a rapist and to say so is vile. You would never say that to my face so why say it here?
If you didn't fantasize about rape then you fantasized about consensual gang sex with a child.

No other option, pervert.

Find another board on the dark web where you can live out this sick shit.
If you didn't fantasize about rape then you fantasized about consensual gang sex with a child.

No other option, pervert.

Find another board on the dark web where you can live out this sick shit.
You're NOW a mind reader...............fuck me.........you're losing the plot you degenerate.
Yes, start from here and read all of the repulsive things I said. Also read all of the pleasant posts I quoted that were deleted.


You guys have absolutely lost your minds. I mean there’s literally no way to justify gang raping a 6 year old, but you guys never fail. I never really thought there would be an audience for extreme right fake news bullshit but here it is.
Call the police FFS.......................let them do their work...............go on contact them.....................................
Read your own fucking post, pervert.

You aren't Perry Mason and this isn't some TV show. You said it. It's there.

You jackass , you can bet what jaxadam said before hand was much much worse .

Lets be honest , spare me the libtard outrage , you cock sucking maggots say far far worse on a daily basis than what any on our side has ever said .

Let the libtard rage continue , it means nothing and it's funny as hell .

Let me give everybody an example of how pathetic leftists are , When Trump as President posted a MEME of him on the golf course and hitting a golf ball and you see the golf ball hit Hillary Clinton boarding a plane, liberals went absolutely ballistic , some even called for him to be executed LOL. Even the mainstream media were screaming over a meme that happened to be hilarious so FUCK OFF YOU LIBERAL BUFFOONS and rock on YABBA .
You jackass , you can bet what jaxadam said before hand was much much worse .

Lets be honest , spare me the libtard outrage , you cock sucking maggots say far far worse on a daily basis than what any on our side has ever said .

Let the libtard rage continue , it means nothing and it's funny as hell .

Let me give everybody an example of how pathetic leftists are , When Trump as President posted a MEME of him on the golf course and hitting a golf ball and you see the golf ball hit Hillary Clinton boarding a plane, liberals went absolutely ballistic , some even called for him to be executed LOL. Even the mainstream media were screaming over a meme that happened to be hilarious so FUCK OFF YOU LIBERAL BUFFOONS and rock on YABBA .
Read it and weep you dumb fuck. Jaxdam didn't say anything offensive.

You NEVER really think before you post, do you? You're an idiot through and through.


None of these links show anything . They don't have that conversation .
I'm sorry you can't read.

Did you notice jax's quotes show the posts that the coward child raping pervert yabba deleted????

Of course not. You're an idiot.