? cLiMaTe cHaNgE ! ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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You're more slippery than a condom in a Friday Night Hooker who's been on the clock 8hrs already.

Speak facts.............not YOUR bullshit.

Peer-reviewed publications are held to standard where facts are the lingua-franca.

Why do you keep lining up to get shit on so often?

Go wash your hair.
I'm 100% for doing what we can within reason to preserve the ecosystems BUT....

Can someone explain to me how the US government taxing its citizens is supposed to solve the GLOBAL climate crisis?
Apparently, trillions of dollars will change the weather.


Given your IQ I'm surprised you can operate a keyboard.

You fucked yourself today............good and proper.
You have ADHD. You just type a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with anything. At least Bearjacker and Pigasshole are consistent in their moronic, pigheaded stupidity.
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