🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

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I’ve read a lot of news stories and I can’t say I’ve seen one yet that didn’t imply that someone was trying to kill him
It's called an "assassination attempt" and they refuse to call it that. Some of the news stories made it sound like he fell down or that there was just a random gunman at the rally. No, this was a dude whose sole goal was a political killing.
If his head came apart he would have been the first to know.
Shooters dead, dt got an ear bandaid. Film at 11.
Theres no there / there.
Ever notice how Dog Chapman the "bounty hunter never talks smack to his arrestees until AFTER the cuffs are on ?
Like every episode.
Its really easy to play the hero when you got your own SS detail and private army.
The shooter never knew what hit him besides a .308
Dan…I love you bro…
Check the first page of this thread. Jesus Christ man…Trump startled by loud noises…lol

I meant actual news stories that are out now with actual details. My first post on this thread was about the discrepancies in the reporting. It was also posted here that there were more than one shooter, is that still believed to be the case?
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I meant actual news stories that are out now with actual details. My first post on this thread was about the discrepancies in the reporting. It was also posted here that there were more than one shooter, is that still believed to be the case?
Oh okay 👌…. My bad. 😥 I’m sorry I was not specific enough.
It's called an "assassination attempt" and they refuse to call it that. Some of the news stories made it sound like he fell down or that there was just a random gunman at the rally. No, this was a dude whose sole goal was a political killing.

i think you should read some newer stories. They’ve been busy over night
Okay I got shit to do. Love sent Justin…sorry your daughter got scraped at the zoo. No smartass comment meant…
I mean you posted that there were 2 shooters, is that still the case? I’m not ripping on you, just showing how the story as evolved
I posted that right as that was announced yesterday. Check the time of the post…as they say…the story is…evolving…
That’s the exact thing I was saying to Von
It's the wording. It will take them two weeks before they admit it was an assassination attempt. It's easily the top story and searching "news" on google doesn't even bring up anything that would lead you to believe there was an assassination attempt. And that's this morning. One story comes up as the top headline "trump rally shooter" making it sound like a random gunman targeting random people.
It's the wording. It will take them two weeks before they admit it was an assassination attempt. It's easily the top story and searching "news" on google doesn't even bring up anything that would lead you to believe there was an assassination attempt. And that's this morning. One story comes up as the top headline "trump rally shooter" making it sound like a random gunman targeting random people.

Maybe he was. I mean I don’t really think that’s the case, but that seems to be who actually got shot. If people can believe an entire election was rigged, it’s pretty easy to believe that some fucked up MAGA dude shot up a rally to win Trump some more pity points.
I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, but when you run your campaign on “woe is me” and witch hunts, no one is going to take much at face value anymore
Maybe he was. I mean I don’t really think that’s the case, but that seems to be who actually got shot. If people can believe an entire election was rigged, it’s pretty easy to believe that some fucked up MAGA dude shot up a rally to win Trump some more pity points.
I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, but when you run your campaign on “woe is me” and witch hunts, no one is going to take much at face value anymore
The devil's advocate is someone who works for the devil. Case closed.
He really dodged a bullet there just as he was shooting from the mouth. Comparatively unimpressive though as Biden’s been cheating death every day lately.