🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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Butchering is a lost art. I can blunder my way through a beef, hog or about anything…but I am no expert. Wish I knew more about it. I’m so sick of these hicks around here fucking us over. You are paying them to steal and fuck up your product that you have bought.
I can't believe the amount of propaganda people are happily consuming and regurgitating.
It's almost as if the internet doesn't exist with the laughable amount of easily disproven fantasies being recycled to this day.
Scary stuff.
What’s scary is japetus saying he only has 1400 different strands of DNA on his joint…every one knows he’s had more action than slick Rick….
What’s scary is japetus saying he only has 1400 different strands of DNA on his joint…every one knows he’s had more action than slick Rick….
This wasn't the pivot I was expecting this thread to take o_O:ROFLMAO:
So how did this 20 year old with no training know he would have a clear line of sight of the podium unless he had already visited the site ahead of time?

Why wasn't access restricted to all elevated areas that would provide a sniper vantage point?
So how did this 20 year old with no training know he would have a clear line of sight of the podium unless he had already visited the site ahead of time?

Why wasn't access restricted to all elevated areas that would provide a sniper vantage point?
Because it is likely a deep state operation to assassinate Trump. It makes no sense to not have those buildings covered with police/snipers.
The plot thickens….
So how did this 20 year old with no he w have a clear line of sight of the podium unless he had already visited the site ahead of time?

Why wasn't access restricted to all elevated areas that would provide a sniper vantage point?

… because the alphabet boyz either planned it or were aware and wanted it to happen.
