🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

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they also impose curfews during hurricanes, along with mandatory evacuations; and they often deploy the National Guard. It's crazy. IMO
When it used to snow here, the only emergencies we really had were snow storms. And anyone going out in those, unless for an absolute emergency, we’re assholes IMO. Just stay the fuck home so people can plow the roads.
They did that with Katrina because assholes were opening fire on first responders. So they had to stop first responders from actually saving people. If I’m choosing between taking an asshole’s gun with an un-damaging collateral, of also temporarily taking a gun from a law abiding person (who also should have left if they could) and allowing innocent civilians to be saved after a devastating storm, it’s an easy choice. I’m not anti-2A and shoot myself but we have a lot of dumbass gun owners in this nation and to act like they did during an extreme emergency was heinous. So fuck them and their guns.
IDK, I don't think I would voluntarily comply with anyone trying to take my firearms during an emergency situation.
When it used to snow here, the only emergencies we really had were snow storms. And anyone going out in those, unless for an absolute emergency, we’re assholes IMO. Just stay the fuck home so people can plow the roads.
exactly. I just stay the fuck home during hurricanes and mandatory evacuations. :cool:
The only thing I really remember about Katrina is Kanye West
IDK, I don't think I would voluntarily comply with anyone trying to take my firearms during an emergency situation.
Well, then you’re either going to get taken into custody or shot by the National Guard. Those guys are not gonna give a shit about your personal stance or defiant Internet posts when there are lives on the line and they’ve been given a direct order under Emergency powers.
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They did that with Katrina because assholes were opening fire on first responders. So they had to stop first responders from actually saving people. If I’m choosing between taking an asshole’s gun with an un-damaging collateral, of also temporarily taking a gun from a law abiding person (who also should have left if they could) and allowing innocent civilians to be saved after a devastating storm, it’s an easy choice. I’m not anti-2A and shoot myself but we have a lot of dumbass gun owners in this nation and to act like they did during an extreme emergency was heinous. So fuck them and their guns.
The people shooting at first responders weren’t the ones they were disarming.
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The people shooting at first responders weren’t the ones they were disarming.
They didn’t have the time or ability to be that precise about it. They’re not gonna waste time investigating who’s doing the shooting in such a dire emergency. They are going to hit that nail with the biggest hammer they have to get on with trying to save peoples lives. Definitely a case of ask for forgiveness not permission.
Well, then you’re either going to get taken into custody or shot by the National Guard. Those guys are not gonna give a shit about your personal stance or defiant Internet posts when there are lives on the line and they’ve been given a direct order under Emergency powers.
Not any more. Know why ? Because after that bullshit laws were put in place preventing it. As fucked Jonas this country is there’s no fucking way in hell the national guard is shooting someone down in their own home for refusing to give them their guns. Those mother fuckers don’t even have the right to come in and search.
They didn’t have the time or ability to be that precise about it. They’re not gonna waste time investigating who’s doing the shooting in such a dire emergency. They are going to hit that nail with the biggest hammer they have to get on with trying to save peoples lives. Definitely a case of ask for forgiveness not permission.
You sound like Thumbpicker now.
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Not any more. Know why ? Because after that bullshit laws were put in place preventing it. As fucked Jonas this country is there’s no fucking way in hell the national guard is shooting someone down in their own home for refusing to give them their guns. Those mother fuckers don’t even have the right to come in and search.
Are you sure that’s the case? Even when a state of emergency has been declared? It may just come down to the discretion of the Guard themselves or local leadership. What do you think would happen if in a devastated area under intense conditions, knowing there’s thousands of people need medical, rescue and evacuation and you have one guy doing his best bunker impersonation refusing to give up his weapons, holding up those efforts?
nope, I said useless and meant it; Lenin called them useful and they were useful to him; they're not useful to me.

I'd like to give them a free one-way ticket to Cuba, Venezuela, Gaza or eastern Ukraine, and let them figure the rest out for themselves
I know, was just kidding.
As to the second part; that would mean using our tax dollars for something beneficial :ROFLMAO:
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They didn’t have the time or ability to be that precise about it. They’re not gonna waste time investigating who’s doing the shooting in such a dire emergency. They are going to hit that nail with the biggest hammer they have to get on with trying to save peoples lives. Definitely a case of ask for forgiveness not permission.
Yep, those pesky Constitutional rights get in the way of totalitarians, tyrants and Gestapo just following orders. :p
Are you sure that’s the case? Even when a state of emergency has been declared? It may just come down to the discretion of the Guard themselves or local leadership. What do you think would happen if in a devastated area under intense conditions, knowing there’s thousands of people need medical, rescue and evacuation and you have one guy doing his best bunker impersonation refusing to give up his weapons, holding up those efforts?
It depends on the state. Louisiana being one that passed laws forbidding it in the aftermath of Katrina. And no national guards do not have the authority to dictate operational rules of engagement on the fly. Not even during the Ferguson riots.
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Well, then you’re either going to get taken into custody or shot by the National Guard. Those guys are not gonna give a shit about your personal stance or defiant Internet posts when there are lives on the line and they’ve been given a direct order under Emergency powers.
If you're the government and knocking on my door and want to come in, then have a warrant to enter my property.

If not, you're no different than anyone else trying to break in and enter, which is a crime; and we have stand your ground and castle doctrine, in addition to 2A and 4A.

Are you sure that’s the case? Even when a state of emergency has been declared? It may just come down to the discretion of the Guard themselves or local leadership. What do you think would happen if in a devastated area under intense conditions, knowing there’s thousands of people need medical, rescue and evacuation and you have one guy doing his best bunker impersonation refusing to give up his weapons, holding up those efforts?
a state of emergency does not suspend our Constitutional rights.
Like a remake of "Forbidden Planet" with modern-day CGI ?

Shit man, modern CGI might actually be a lot less cool than what they did in 1956. Love the way that movie looks.
Just like when they re-did Lost in space and were probably giddy with themselves about how bad ass it would look and forgot to actually make a good movie along the way.
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