🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

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seems more leftist have shot at republicans, and supreme court justices, and surrounded their houses than any conservatives, right-wing etc. have in recent years.

If you haven't noticed, it's the left that calls for violence, such as antifa, and BLM (burn, loot, and murder), and many demonctrats in office and in the party.
It's the hard left though. I know a few democrats who can put party politics aside and realize that this event is bad news. It's thr older guard though, the kids are radicalized.
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You can spin stuff however you’d like, it doesn’t change that 2 days after the shooting is too early to nail down a motive and affiliation
no spin; the leftist rhetoric for violence and hate toward Trump over the last several years is there for all to see. not surprised some wingnut decided to try and assassinate Trump; I'm surprised it hasn't happened before, or many times. As I posted previously, many people on the left support death (abortion) and mutilation (child sex surgeries) of innocent life, and violence (antifa, BLM, and many demoncrats in office or in the party) it's a death cult.
Yea I do think so. You don’t have to be on the far left to hate that guy. But you do have to fucked in the head to try and kill him. Thats not unique to the left.

If someone were to say that this incident was a reason to strengthen gun control, you would say it’s the person not the gun.

And you would be right, so just use that same logic to understand that it could most certainly be some just some fucked up dude trying to kill someone and not a part of a larger “leftist agenda”.
Yes. By and large, every “recent” attempted presidential assassination was by a nut job, not someone with a political agenda. I think we would have to go back to JFK to find a political connection.
Why you gotta bring Pauly C into this ?
PauleyC is my camping buddy…remind me to tell you about the time we were out checking fence….
Illinois passed an assault weapons ban over a year ago and haven't taken anybodys guns away.
I [had] a friend of 43 years great guitar player. He got so whacked out on politics since 2016 he is convinced at this very moment that Hillary is coming for his guns [not kidding] because he saw it on faux knews.
Would be nice if folks could see past a 30 second sound bite.
Bullshit. I know two different guys in Springfield who’ve been hit by state cops for not registering something. Even if no one had them taken away, they’re still now breaking state law.
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Yea I do think so. You don’t have to be on the far left to hate that guy. But you do have to fucked in the head to try and kill him. Thats not unique to the left.

If someone were to say that this incident was a reason to strengthen gun control, you would say it’s the person not the gun.

And you would be right, so just use that same logic to understand that it could most certainly be some just some fucked up dude trying to kill someone and not a part of a larger “leftist agenda”.
Get real dude. No one hates trump to the point of wanting to kill him other than a leftist. And right after it became obvious Biden wasn’t gonna win? Don’t be stupid. Or more accurately don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.
Get real dude. No one hates trump to the point of wanting to kill him other than a leftist. And right after it became obvious Biden wasn’t gonna win? Don’t be stupid. Or more accurately don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.

your view is incredibly narrow
Let's be friends. I wish I was camping and fly fishing deep in the mountains someplace this summer. Now summer is gig season which conflicts with my outdoor love.
Try Ennis Montana. Or Henry’s Fork Idaho.
Thanks for the lead. I can at least have a good time looking at online properties for sale there. My wife would go in a second but I got enough cold weather to last a lifetime in the first half of my life. I'm still recovering from it 20 years later. Wouldn't mind a summer cabin but it's like the boat, can't afford the house and the boat both.
I don’t remember the last day it wasn’t 90 and humid. This summer sucks.
I LOVE spring and summer. You will not hear my very often complain about it being too hot out even when it is 100+. I do have a few standout days at day gig and afternoons/evenings on stage or in a parking lot that were memorably brutal. If I had deep pockets I would have a second home so I didn't have to deal with the TX winter.