🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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It just seems like an all or nothing scenario. The more time goes by the more accounts there are of people reporting odd behavior. I think I even read that the gunman’s dad called the night before to say something. The chance of none of these accounts being heard by someone on the team that didn’t have it out for Trump seems astronomical. So it was either everyone on the team, right down to the local police were “down for the cause”, or it just wasn’t a secret operation
well it's a pretty open hole in the security for the gunman to get where he did, openly, and having time to fire 5 rounds
well it's a pretty open hole in the security for the gunman to get where he did, openly, and having time to fire 5 rounds
The FBI doesn’t have to be involved for there to be shitty police work
it was the secret service that did the security; it's the FBI that's investigating. so we'll have to see what the FBI comes up with
But it was the police securing the building that the shooter was on though right?
And what has Trump said all about it? Isn’t he the guy all the boogie men are scared of because he can’t be controlled? Seems like this would be a prime time for him to take down the deep state. It would be game set and match for him and the election
But it was the police securing the building that the shooter was on though right?
Possibly, but I'd have expected the SS to have secured the perimeter, not local police. I'm not an expert in this area, but I thought they'd have snipers on every rooftop, or at least would have cleared all buildings and rooftops nearby, especially any with line of sight to the podium, long before the event
Hey, he would've required stitches at the very-least. :dunno:
I doubt he got stitches. They probably just irrigated it, got the bleeding to stop, threw on a bandage and called it good. I gashed my head on a ladder fall (28ft ladder) where the ladder hit my head on the way down (hard hats are useless when you’re jumping for your life..lol). Bleeding like a stuck pig and when finally seen at the ER (me thinking stitches for sure) they said nope. Just irrigated it, put on some little bandage and off I went. Now have a neat groove on the top of my head.
His maxi pad at the convention is a pure prop. It looks a make a wish kid stuck it on. It’s covering his hair more than his ear. Considering he wasn’t bandaged when he got off the plane and when he played Golf 🤷‍♂️
I read that a rifle round, if it passes close enough could have caused minor damage to soft tissue, just from the heated air that’s right around the bullet. It doesn’t actually have to make physical contact. And it still might end up being not a bullet but teleprompter glass that did it.
I’m not downplaying the seriousness of what was attempted, but Trump is certainly someone who will milk it for all it’s worth and I’m sure the “fish” will get larger with each telling of the tale.
I’m glad he wasn’t killed but he’s still a cunt.
@skoora brother I won't do the multiple-quote thing, but just a couple o' counters to your that:

I gashed my head after being pushed from about 10ft. Landed head-first on the corner of a brick. I can tell you that the fountain of blood wasn't gonna stop on-its-own brother. Took a bunch of stitches and like you, I have that groove on my head too... 50 years later.

Ears are known to bleed persistently. Tougher-to-stop than most places on the body.

It wasn't teleprompter glass 'cause none of the units was damaged upon-inspection.
@skoora @Monkey Man
Also consider that a bullet traveling a super sonic speed passing that close to a person's ear would have likely ruptured an eardrum.
@skoora @Monkey Man
Also consider that a bullet traveling a super sonic speed passing that close to a person's ear would have likely ruptured an eardrum.
I believe he referred to be being like “a big mosquito”
@skoora brother I won't do the multiple-quote thing, but just a couple o' counters to your that:

I gashed my head after being pushed from about 10ft. Landed head-first on the corner of a brick. I can tell you that the fountain of blood wasn't gonna stop on-its-own brother. Took a bunch of stitches and like you, I have that groove on my head too... 50 years later.

Ears are known to bleed persistently. Tougher-to-stop than most places on the body.

It wasn't teleprompter glass 'cause none of the units was damaged upon-inspection.
These fucking lefties will do anything they can to make it seem like it was no big deal. I guarantee you none of them have had bullet's wizz by, inches from their head. I have. If they think it's no big deal they're idiots. Anyone who has ever been shot at would never say something like that.