🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

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These fucking lefties will do anything they can to make it seem like it was no big deal. I guarantee you none of them have had bullet's wizz by, inches from their head. I have. If they think it's no big deal they're idiots. Anyone who has ever been shot at would never say something like that.
Ya see that’s what I’m talking about. It’s not “leftist” to think it was no big deal. We have no clear pictures of the damage, no medical report. All we have is Trump’s personal account of the matter, and everything he has said about it leans to it not being a big deal. Being shot at? Yea that’s a biggie, but actual physical damage to his body? To believe anything but what the actual person has said about it, is fucking biased. That’s how that word works
Ya see that’s what I’m talking about. It’s not “leftist” to think it was no big deal. We have no clear pictures of the damage, no medical report. All we have is Trump’s personal account of the matter, and everything he has said about it leans to it not being a big deal. Being shot at? Yea that’s a biggie, but actual physical damage to his body? To believe anything but what the actual person has said about it, is fucking biased. That’s how that word works
Jesus fucking christ Dan. If it was Biden getting shot at those same people would not be making that argument. And leftist or not, anyone who claims getting shot at is no big deal is a fucking idiot and a liar.



Look closely. Those holes were made by a .45. Those bullets missed my head by inches and hit the house behind me. Zero damage to me or my eardrums. Still a big fucking deal I assure you.
Jesus fucking christ Dan. If it was Biden getting shot at those same people would not be making that argument. And leftist or not, anyone who claims getting shot at is no big deal is a fucking idiot and a liar.



Look closely. Those holes were made by a .45. Those bullets missed my head by inches and hit the house behind me. Zero damage to me or my eardrums. Still a big fucking deal I assure you.

that is literally what I just said lol. Read it again. I said that being shot at is a big deal. I said that what wasn’t a big deal what the physical damage to Trump. I said that not to push a leftist agenda, but as a response to someone talking about the physical damage to Trump from the shooting.
that is literally what I just said lol. Read it again. I said that being shot at is a big deal. I said that what wasn’t a big deal what the physical damage to Trump. I said that not to push a leftist agenda, but as a response to someone talking about the physical damage to Trump from the shooting.
I never said that was why you said it. What I did say was that was the kind of shit we're going to get from the left in the wake of the shooting. And that is a fact. There are shit tons of examples of leftists on record downplaying the shooting or if it was a big deal. None of which have ever been shot at.

I can tell you one fucked up thing, not to sidebar for long, but.. After being shot at at least 7 or 8 times over the last decade I can tell you that being in proximity to gunfights and having to dive in holes or behind shit to avoid being shot certainly becomes way less of a big deal than it was the first time it happened to you. That's a sad fact.
No, because Trump knows exactly what it is like to be shot in the ear, and in his own words, it was like a big mosquito.
Thing is, you can't make an assumption either way just because he said it was like a big mosquito.
A guy I played disc golf with back in college had his hand severed off in a machinery accident. He said the sensation felt like someone just pinched his wrist. According to your logic that injury would be no big deal. You have no clue how bad Trump's injury actually is and shouldn't be spouting off making assumptions.
Thing is, you can't make an assumption either way just because he said it was like a big mosquito.
A guy I played disc golf with back in college had his hand severed off in a machinery accident. He said the sensation felt like someone just pinched his wrist. According to your logic that injury would be no big deal. You have no clue how bad Trump's injury actually is and shouldn't be spouting off making assumptions.

Getting information from the source is how you avoid making assumptions. And the source said it was no big deal.

If I were to make an assumption, it would be that he’s a loudmouthed idiot that can’t make through a trial without a gag order, and brags about his golf scored during presidential debates, so there is no way that he would not shut up about his injuries if there were any.

BUT, that doesn’t change that the source said the injuries were no big deal. To believe otherwise would be making assumptions.
Jesus fucking christ Dan. If it was Biden getting shot at those same people would not be making that argument. And leftist or not, anyone who claims getting shot at is no big deal is a fucking idiot and a liar.



Look closely. Those holes were made by a .45. Those bullets missed my head by inches and hit the house behind me. Zero damage to me or my eardrums. Still a big fucking deal I assure you.
You better back off bro, Antony Blinken is going to have you wacked.
Getting information from the source is how you avoid making assumptions. And the source said it was no big deal.

If I were to make an assumption, it would be that he’s a loudmouthed idiot that can’t make through a trial without a gag order, and brags about his golf scored during presidential debates, so there is no way that he would not shut up about his injuries if there were any.

BUT, that doesn’t change that the source said the injuries were no big deal. To believe otherwise would be making assumptions.

I just gave you a real example of how a person's account of something doesn't dictate the severity. I'm not trying to comment on how severe Trump's injury was. I'm pointing out that no one can make an assumption on it without seeing a medical report or being a physician that personally inspected the injury. You keep wanting to make the assumption it was no big deal without knowing any facts.

Are you as tedious at home as you present yourself here?
BTW; your TDS is showing.
I just gave you a real example of how a person's account of something doesn't dictate the severity. I'm not trying to comment on how severe Trump's injury was. I'm pointing out that no one can make an assumption on it without seeing a medical report or being a physician that personally inspected the injury. You keep wanting to make the assumption it was no big deal without knowing any facts.

Are you as tedious at home as you present yourself here?
BTW; your TDS is showing.

lol what is it with you guys and TDS.

I say that there is no medical records so we only have the actual account to go by, and because of that my opinion reflects the real life account.

You say that there are no medical records so you are going to go by the account of someone else being shot at in a complete different scenario, and then accuse me of TDS because I’m literally basing my entire opinion on believing Donal Trumps actual word.

So no, I’m not this tedious at home because my family isn’t full of shit lol
These fucking lefties will do anything they can to make it seem like it was no big deal. I guarantee you none of them have had bullet's wizz by, inches from their head. I have. If they think it's no big deal they're idiots. Anyone who has ever been shot at would never say something like that.
First off, I’m not a “fucking lefty” and never said it wasn’t a big deal. In fact, I said the fact that he/they/whoever attempted to kill him was a very big deal. But that doesn’t necessarily correlate to serious physical damage for him. I could imagine the mental reverberations of it all would be worse. All my statements about whether it hit him or not and the nature of the injury are questions still being asked by people now. Not to minimize what happened but to just know what happened. But the chances he’ll release medical are the same chances he was really going to release his taxes every week for 4 years.

Serious…..A presidential candidate was almost assassinated.
Also serious….That presidential candidate is a lying, malignant narcissist, cunt.

IMO of course….😉
How many lefties were ready to celebrate the death of another human being? How many are remorseful the bullet didn't find it's mark?

It is truly become a party of anti-life people consumed by their own hatreds.

And enough with the "JFC" crap already, you all sound like a bunch of braindead cunts when you talk like that.
lol what is it with you guys and TDS.
Probably something you should be asking yourself. You're the one who went off on this tangent...
If I were to make an assumption, it would be that he’s a loudmouthed idiot that can’t make through a trial without a gag order, and brags about his golf scored during presidential debates, so there is no way that he would not shut up about his injuries if there were any.

I say that there is no medical records so we only have the actual account to go by, and because of that my opinion reflects the real life account.

You say that there are no medical records so you are going to go by the account of someone else being shot at in a complete different scenario, and then accuse me of TDS because I’m literally basing my entire opinion on believing Donal Trumps actual word.

So no, I’m not this tedious at home because my family isn’t full of shit lol
What are you rambling about? You may be mixing up a different conversation with someone else. I didn't make any comparisons to someone else being shot at. That was @Floyd Eye giving his account of having shots fired at him.

I gave an example of how a person's account of how something felt doesn't dictate the severity of an injury. To give another real world example of how a person's perception doesn't dictate severity...

This was roughly a decade ago. My great uncle was congested and feeling bad. He insisted it wasn't a big deal, just a little cold and didn't want to go to the doctor. He ended up going to the ER and dying of pneumonia a few days later.

All I'm saying is it's folly to make an assumption or form an opinion without having any facts. You can take DT at his word. Again though, his perception of his injury doesn't dictate the actual severity, just like my great uncle. In all likelihood there's nothing overly severe about his injury. But I'm not spouting off an uninformed opinion (*Edit* as facts) about how bad it is without actually knowing facts.
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Probably something you should be asking yourself. You're the one who went off on this tangent...

What are you rambling about? You may be mixing up a different conversation with someone else. I didn't make any comparisons to someone else being shot at. That was @Floyd Eye giving his account of having shots fired at him.

I gave an example of how a person's account of how something felt doesn't dictate the severity of an injury. To give another real world example of how a person's perception doesn't dictate severity...

This was roughly a decade ago. My great uncle was congested and feeling bad. He insisted it wasn't a big deal, just a little cold and didn't want to go to the doctor. He ended up going to the ER and dying of pneumonia a few days later.

All I'm saying is it's folly to make an assumption or form an opinion without having any facts. You can take DT at his word. Again though, his perception of his injury doesn't dictate the actual severity, just like my great uncle. In all likelihood there's nothing overly severe about his injury. But I'm not spouting off an uninformed opinion about how bad it is without actually knowing facts.

I have not stated anything uniformed either. Just that I am taking Trumps word on the matter and you think that’s TDS
How many lefties were ready to celebrate the death of another human being? How many are remorseful the bullet didn't find it's mark?

It is truly become a party of anti-life people consumed by their own hatreds.

And enough with the "JFC" crap already, you all sound like a bunch of braindead cunts when you talk like that.
Both sides have plenty to go around. What’s JFC?
I have not stated anything uniformed either. Just that I am taking Trumps word on the matter and you think that’s TDS
So you have personally seen the detailed medical reports or talked to the doctor that did the examination about the injuries? Most anything short of that means you don't have the facts and therefore are uninformed.
Just because someone has a feeling and forms an opinion doesn't make it an informed one.

On the TDS.
First, I wasn't referring to you taking Trump's word as TDS. I was referencing your tangent comments about him being a loudmouth idiot... that was barely relevant to the conversation and came out of nowhere.
Second, it was a lighthearted jest towards you and underlining commentary of TDS being thrown around any time someone has the slightest negative opinion on Trump. Sorry if it didn't get conveyed as such.