🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

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So you have personally seen the detailed medical reports or talked to the doctor that did the examination about the injuries? Most anything short of that means you don't have the facts and therefore are uninformed.
Just because someone has a feeling and forms an opinion doesn't make it an informed one.

On the TDS.
First, I wasn't referring to you taking Trump's word as TDS. I was referencing your tangent comments about him being a loudmouth idiot... that was barely relevant to the conversation and came out of nowhere.
Second, it was a lighthearted jest towards you and underlining commentary of TDS being thrown around any time someone has the slightest negative opinion on Trump. Sorry if it didn't get conveyed as such.
as stated in my first post about the topic we have not seen medical documents, or even a picture of his ear. So the only info we have to go on is Trumps own word, so I am taking it.

And it is also factual that he has had gag orders put in him and that he discussed his golfing abilities during a debate. If you think me using those facts as insufficient reason to think he’s a loudmouth, then whatever. It still isn’t TDS
as stated in my first post about the topic we have not seen medical documents, or even a picture of his ear. So the only info we have to go on is Trumps own word, so I am taking it.

And it is also factual that he has had gag orders put in him and that he discussed his golfing abilities during a debate. If you think me using those facts as insufficient reason to think he’s a loudmouth, then whatever. It still isn’t TDS

Even though you present yourself as such I don't have any facts to know for certain. My uninformed opinion is you either are incredibly dense or have a comprehension problem.
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Even though you present yourself as such I don't have any facts to know for certain. My uninformed opinion is you either are incredibly dense or have a comprehension problem.

I don’t see what is hard to understand. We both said that there is no medical evidence.
I am choosing to listen to the guy who actually got shot, you are choosing to use an example of someone else getting hurt at someone other point in your life. It’s super simple
Clearly if the trajectory of the shot that hit his ear was adjusted by a few millimeters, he'd be dead or have a serious brain injury. He was millimeters from probably death. Call it luck, divine intervention, or whatever you want, he was very nearly assassinated. That is going to change your life. Period.

Still not hearing anything to counter the incompetence of the perimeter security teams.
I don’t see what is hard to understand. We both said that there is no medical evidence.
I am choosing to listen to the guy who actually got shot, you are choosing to use an example of someone else getting hurt at someone other point in your life. It’s super simple
Yeah, it is pretty simple. I understand what you're getting at. Trump was shot and alluded to it not being a major injury with a couple of his initial comments. You took him at his word and formed your opinion based solely on that.

But that's not where our conversation started or what it's actually about. You're missing my point. Let me recount it all for you...
  • Skoora and Monkey Man were discussing possible severity and treatment; needing stitches and whatnot. I offered the consideration that the bullet could have ruptured an eardrum and the injury may not show externally.
  • You then responded to my comment with your opinion formed on assumptions that Trump's injury is minimal because he compared it to a mosquito. Fair enough you have that opinion, but you have continually expressed it as a hard fact.
  • I responded to you; and this is the point I have been making the entire conversation, it's folly to make assumptions, create an uninformed opinion, and state said opinion as a hard fact.
  • I illustrated my point on assumptions by noting that Trump's perception did not constitute facts [medical severity/diagnosis]. I expanded on this by providing other comparable and personal real world examples. I then illustrated the rest of my point by noting that we do not have medical records so any opinions are uninformed and not facts.
  • You continued to present Trump's perception of things as a medical diagnosis (or as you say taking his word) and argue these assumptions and your opinions as hard facts.
  • I continued to state that it's folly to make assumptions and present an uninformed opinion as fact.

In case my point was not not made 100% clear to you let me restate it again...
  • It's a bad idea to make assumptions.
  • An opinion based on assumptions equates to an uninformed opinion.
  • Stating an uninformed opinion based on assumptions does not make it a hard fact and it's to do so is folly.
Yeah, it is pretty simple. I understand what you're getting at. Trump was shot and alluded to it not being a major injury with a couple of his initial comments. You took him at his word and formed your opinion based solely on that.

But that's not where our conversation started or what it's actually about. You're missing my point. Let me recount it all for you...
  • Skoora and Monkey Man were discussing possible severity and treatment; needing stitches and whatnot. I offered the consideration that the bullet could have ruptured an eardrum and the injury may not show externally.
  • You then responded to my comment with your opinion formed on assumptions that Trump's injury is minimal because he compared it to a mosquito. Fair enough you have that opinion, but you have continually expressed it as a hard fact.
  • I responded to you; and this is the point I have been making the entire conversation, it's folly to make assumptions, create an uninformed opinion, and state said opinion as a hard fact.
  • I illustrated my point on assumptions by noting that Trump's perception did not constitute facts [medical severity/diagnosis]. I expanded on this by providing other comparable and personal real world examples. I then illustrated the rest of my point by noting that we do not have medical records so any opinions are uninformed and not facts.
  • You continued to present Trump's perception of things as a medical diagnosis (or as you say taking his word) and argue these assumptions and your opinions as hard facts.
  • I continued to state that it's folly to make assumptions and present an uninformed opinion as fact.

In case my point was not not made 100% clear to you let me restate it again...
  • It's a bad idea to make assumptions.
  • An opinion based on assumptions equates to an uninformed opinion.
  • Stating an uninformed opinion based on assumptions does not make it a hard fact and it's to do so is folly.
Mostly true, however I didn’t do any of those things you bulleted.
It’s not exactly my “opinion” that his injuries are minor. As stated, I’m just going with what he said. His “opinion” is not uninformed. We have not seen the medical docs but I’m confident he has.
So either his opinion is informed, or he’s just lying.
Mostly true, however I didn’t do any of those things you bulleted.
It’s not exactly my “opinion” that his injuries are minor. As stated, I’m just going with what he said. His “opinion” is not uninformed. We have not seen the medical docs but I’m confident he has.
So either his opinion is informed, or he’s just lying.
Go back and read not only our conversation, but conversations you've been having with others. You have been presenting your opinion as fact. You just did it here again by putting the word opinion in quotes. Doing that is implying it's not an opinion and is fact.

As far as I'm aware (so you can correct me if needed) Trump has not made any statements/expressed his opinions on the medical diagnosis or severity of his injury. The only things that barely connect to this are the comparison to a mosquito and saying he felt something hit him "really, really hard on my right ear." You can't say his opinion was uninformed or was a lie if he never stated one in the first place. Again here you don't have facts and are making assumptions.
Go back and read not only our conversation, but conversations you've been having with others. You have been presenting your opinion as fact. You just did it here again by putting the word opinion in quotes. Doing that is implying it's not an opinion and is fact.

As far as I'm aware (so you can correct me if needed) Trump has not made any statements/expressed his opinions on the medical diagnosis or severity of his injury. The only things that barely connect to this are the comparison to a mosquito and saying he felt something hit him "really, really hard on my right ear." You can't say his opinion was uninformed or was a lie if he never stated one in the first place. Again here you don't have facts and are making assumptions.

I put opinion in quotes because I am just repeating what Trump said. If you want to say I’m wrong for agreeing with his opinion, that’s great. Or if you want to say I’m wrong for believing that he’s telling the truth, then sure whatever.
I put opinion in quotes because I am just repeating what Trump said. If you want to say I’m wrong for agreeing with his opinion, that’s great. Or if you want to say I’m wrong for believing that he’s telling the truth, then sure whatever.

Dude, you're well on your way to approaching Donny levels. I'm out before you beat me with experience.
Carry on.
I can't believe you guys are still arguing with Jake Sullivan. Nobody is reading it.
I can't believe you guys are still arguing with Jake Sullivan. Nobody is reading it.
Is he related to that Coomey guy?

Anyways people can argue with me all they want, but eventually they will get tired of digging holes
They get tired of you being a relentless dick wad.

Well that says more about them than it does about me. If they just ignored me instead of sniffing my asshole everyday, their “problem” would be solved
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Well that says more about them than it does about me. If they just ignored me instead of sniffing my asshole everyday, their “problem” would be solved
I agree Victoria Nulnad, they should just ignore your smelly asshole.
They get tired of you being a relentless dick wad.
I wouldn't go quite as far as calling him a relentless dick wad.
It's more like trying to hold an intellectual conversation with a scarlet macaw that's been stuck in a room with MSNBC playing in the background. He can only parrot what he's heard and has no real thoughts of his own. The talking bird loses it's novelty quickly and is no longer amusing.