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is it too hot to use? im hearing good things about it helping increase output in the power section. not sure of the specifics or why, but im reading that it actually has more gain than a 12ax7.

any thoughts??
SORRY! lol. yes, the PI in the tourmaster.
i have a matched Sovtek 12AX7-LPS

this is what i've read so far "RCA 12BZ7 black plate – Yes, I did type that correctly! This has been my last great revelation. The 12BZ7 is a longer-bottle tube (nearly 1/2” taller, like the E180CC), but it fits fine in the Triaxis. And, although it has the same amplification factor as a 12AX7 (mu = 100), my rig sounds about 2dB louder with this tube. It reminds me of Nigel Tufnel, in Spinal Tap, pointing out that his Marshall volume goes to 11 (“One louder”). This is the “11” tube. This means that you can turn your amp “master” volume down to achieve the same volume, thus effectively dropping the noise floor about 2dB (take note, for when you’re recording), or keep the power amp volume the same, thus hitting the power tubes a little harder. It draws twice the current of the 12AX7, but, again, it works great with the Triaxis. I have tried a number of versions of the 12BZ7 (GE, CBS/Hytron, Sylvania, Philco), and they all have the tonal balance I like for this position. I prefer 12BZ7s with black plates for their proven dynamically-sensitive liveliness and articulate snappiness. "

he's talking about a triaxis obviously, but, what effect would a matched 12bz7 have on the PI* slot in my tourmaster?
anyone ? is it safe to at least try without risk to the amp?
yes. actually yeti, i have tried it. and it sounds fine...a little buzzy, but runs fine.

it also works in my real tube pedal and sounds , fuzzy....or, buzzy.....
was a bear.

yes, it works. i only put one in, but i have two. tried both. great classic distortion sound...think....spirit in the sky mellowness, but with some edge.
I tried these in a bunch of different positions a feq years back, thin and buzzy, didn't like them. Still have at least one kicking around here somewhere.
Just another variation of the 9 pin dual triode from the "old days". Pin compatible so....plug it in and see what it does for you. Specs are "similar" to a 12AX7. Filament current is twice that of the 12A-7 type but no problem in our amps. Can't speak for other amps. Not specifically an audio tube so low noise/microphonics would probably not have been a design factor.

can u answer another question?

are 12at7, 12ay7, 12av7 and 12au7 all compatible in any of the slots? i have a ton of those kinds of preamp tubes too.
All of the 12--7 tubes are pin compatible preamp tube. Go ahead and fool around.

bruce, it's almost like you're talking dirty to me saying that!! hahah

maybe we'll meet in person some time and you'll see what a FOOL and a goofball that i actually am!!

would it even be safe to run, say, all 12AT7....being that they would be running a higher ???? (i dont know, but i know its something higher? plate voltage or current?) not that i would, just saying.

im currently talking to nate via email about my reverb transformer...we're thinking thats what crapped out being that i replaced the tube then the tank with the same kind, to no avail. tested the lead wires, to no avail.
so, he said possibly the reverb transformer.