Killer amp- but I’ve moved on to plexi type amps and this one has to go.
2017 loaded with all the options- old/ new, mid scoop, B+ drop, full/ half power, and defeatable FX loop with adjustable return level than can act as a very effective master volume.
Four button footswitch controls the channel, gear (mode), gain boost, and solo boost
All in all it a gigging guitarist‘s dream!
Excellent condition overall with the exception of the tolex starting to separate at the middle seam and a scuff on the left top corner.
I’m also including a Tuki cover that‘s actually for a Silver Jubilee but it fits almost perfectly.
I just wish people with sweet gear lived closer....I have this thing against shipping stuff in. Partially because I don't trust shippers, and also because I want it right then lol No one near Chattanooga has any cool gear I want. Why do you guys have to live like 6 or so hours away? lol
I just wish people with sweet gear lived closer....I have this thing against shipping stuff in. Partially because I don't trust shippers, and also because I want it right then lol No one near Chattanooga has any cool gear I want. Why do you guys have to live like 6 or so hours away? lol