So the KT77's are sitting in their respective BiasRite sockets, just waiting to drift, oscillating between 31.2mA and 33.6A, my guess is they're fine right where they are. Plate voltage is steady at 550... Just going to let these sit for a bit and then call it a day.
And oh ya, crank this bitch and see what the new glass does for 'er!! I'll be letting you know Gary, don't you worry, I'll be letting you know
PS - knocked it back to 29mA-31mA, there's a bit of spread between the tubes and one of 'em was always 2mA higher. I didn't want to push that particular tube, so I backed everything off a hair and we're well within safety now with that 1 tube at 31.9mA Going to give 'er a rip right now