Hey Andy,
Another question: I am getting rid of my old school Mesa Recto over-sized angled cab since I find I love my two Bogner cabs better. I have an Uberkab that is rear loaded that I ordered last May that I love, and another Bogner cab with an X pattern of V30's and G12H-75 Creambacks which is my secret sauce cab that I ordered not long after, also rear loaded. I'm ruminating on getting either a straight V30's cab, or another Uberkab, but I was wondering about the REAL difference between the front loaded stock Uberkab, and a rear loaded one. I got the other two rear loaded because I was always under the impression that that was the more traditional sound, and you got more of the tone of the cab in the mix, and that they are less dimensional. What's the real scoop on the difference between front vs. rear loaded? I play metal, but I also play a ton of straight rock with my cover band, so maybe the straight V30 cab cab would be a smarter add to my collection for those types of gigs. I was firm in my rear loaded mentality until one of my buddies raved on and on about the standard front loaded cabs. Thoughts? (before I go and lay down my cash)