5150 VS blackmore at high vol


Well-known member

1x 5150
1x engl blackmore
2x framus dragon 4x12's
1x guitar with emg81
1x guitar with SD jb

Every combination sounded awesome, these heads kill with the dragon cabs. both emg and SD pickups sounded great.. i can't pick one over the other.. emg is cleaner so i might pick that

couldn't run both heads at once :( didn't have the gear to do it

Both heads when played were cranked to half way.
at loud vol.. they sound just as big as one another whereas at low vol the 50 sounds bigger

blackmore was suprisingly very aggressive even next to the 5150, it was just a tad sweeter (in a good way!) and clearer

my fav setup for the night was blackmore into 2 dragon cabs with the emg81... just broootal!

just confirmed for me that even at extreme volumes.. i still prefer my blackmore over the 5150.

Although my 50 ain't goin nowhere! :yes:

The 'engls don't sound good at higher vol' myth is total BS