The screen grids are 3W metal oxide. They're only 100R, the original didn't have any nor any grid stoppers but I decided to add something.
Upon first fire up, the amp had some tremolo noise and pulsing/ticking but I quickly got it sorted out. I learned a little, tremolo is trickier than I gave it credit for. Layout/grounding is critical or the whole amp throbs with this bias wiggle tremolo. But it sounds really good.
The amp is spooky quiet now. It is so fun to play, it just sounds perfect. Watch Pete Thorn's demo of the Suhr Hombre, that's it. I only used the Royal Blues because the original 6G3 had those blue tubular caps like those old ones I used for V1. And I wanted to use something nice. I'd expect the yellow Synergy Royal Mustards to sound pretty much the same.