
  • Thread starter Thread starter evilsaint
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Omni = all

Herbert recieves program change messages
on all 16 midi channels
This is binary math. Instead of ones, tens, hundreds... you have ones, twos, fours. This is also zero-based.

---------------------- 4 2 1
Ch 1. off off off == 0 0 0
Ch 2. off off on == 0 0 1
Ch 3. off on off == 0 1 0
Ch 4. off on on == 0 1 1
Ch 5. on off off == 1 0 0
Ch 6. on off on == 1 0 1
Ch 7. on on on == 1 1 1

The adjustment will be done with the
3 channel switches
I think you are a little confused about what the MIDI channels are. These are just communication channels, they are used to set up how two MIDI devices communicate. Omni means that insted of "listening" on a specific channel, the receiving device (Herbert in your case) "listens" on all channels. This way you minimize the risk of your controller to send data on a different channel then your Herbert is set up to listen.
In more complex setups the MIDI channels are used specifficaly to match various devices, so you can control lots of things at the same time, because every device only listens to the messages sent to him on a specific channel and ignores other messages.