Aw c'mon peeps... You know what it's all about. I get why people wanna know about this tube and that tube, and hell, I've got a helluva surplus of different glass I've used through all my amps at one time or another - or even still brand spankin' new!! But Herr Diezel's comment/thread is to make clear that - should you want the sound he wants to give us, then stick with the tubes he's suggested. Albeit tube write up's on various retailers talk about incredible clarity and head room and punch and gain and articulation and all this other stuff - that may be true in the test amps they used to try out the varied tubes on the retailer's end, but it's not what's happening at Diezel HQ. So, admitted, I too have sought various tubes and this and that and thought I was "doing an upgrade" to an already incredible amp... But at the end of the day, stick with what's been recommended or used at one time or another to get the amp to sound its best. I know, I know, Peter pulled the plug on the 6550's due to reliability issues - but personally, I still use 'em as they sound killer and I'm okay with the risk of them blowing or the like. That's my call - and seeing as the exact same tubes (model and manufacturer) were installed as defacto tubes not that long ago, I'm cool with it. But if he says use
these powervalves and
these preamps, just go with it. It's the right thing to do
I picked up a 20thA XTC not that long ago - crazily...before I even GOT it, I was going through different tube combinations in my head. Eventually, when I spoke to Charley about something or another, he said - the reason we use these tubes is they're readily available, tried, tested, and true, and we tweak our amps to sound the way we want our amps to by using these tubes. They're not the most expensive, and there's a reason for that - we want them to be accessible to all users when they blow. Simple. I think Herr Diezel is of the same mindset 100% of the way...
Took me a while to wrap my head around this, but I managed to, and now? I use the KISS rule - Keep It Simple Stupid.