Metallica where just phenomenal. Tight, the sound was awesome and they definitely can put on a show. Stinkin Fart, I wouldn't give a rats ass to see again. AIC rocked with their new singer, and Cantrell was sportin his new Bogners. NIN was a big disappointment. Trent played a bunch of shit, this being his last tour I guess he could. Sounded good...just nothing very appealing. Bullet for my Valentine was great too. Those guys rocked and sounded good. AV7F I didn't see as I was busy holding my spot at the other stage for Metallica. I stayed in the VIP for Limp Bizkit as I can't stand them assholes. Other than Metallica, the best band there and one with a vengeance was Machine Head. Those guys brought down the damn house and got the mosh pits and circle pits a rolling. They had cancelled because Rob had passed out the week before but then opted back in. Meanwhile, the bands moved up and they had to play mid-afternoon before Limp Bizkit. Apparently, there was some professional controversy. LB would not give their new spot in the order. Well, the crowd was behind Machine Head all the way and gave those guys such a spectacle to play too - and did they play. I can still hear the crowd....fuck Limp Bizkit. You had to have been there. Then, I find out Corey Taylor did an acoustic set at the Bohemian tent...ugh. Would like to have seen that but I was busy drinking beer somewhere else! The whole thing was well organized and Knebworth is a hell of a venue.