About to sell the Diezel šŸ¤ every single time ā²ļø

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I only ever tend to play 2 amps at any given time simultaneously, and the others will collect dust for long periods. I kept one of the 5 5150 amps I had over time, and kept a Triple Crown 100 after going on the mesa kick. Had 6 rectifiers and a mkiv at one point. But overall, I've downsized considerably to this point in general.

My current in the room tone is as good as it's ever been with running a Mkiii herb and a marshall together. Had some good marshalls kept the SLX. Together it's a sinister and completely thick sound that's both dry and moist at the same time. But I also know that if I was go get back up with the band and go play, I'm not lugging this shit to a show anymore to impress myself and like 3 other dudes. I've accepted this. I think. It's not logical. And it's thousands of dollars worth of gear at a show full of drunk people who couldn't tell bad tone if it smacked them in the mouth.

Every damn time I'm like okay, this $4k head is amazing but you'll never use it the way you'd actually like to. Let's pass it along to someone and see what happens. I play the shit and change my mind. For fear that I won't be happy and I'll end up coming in circles to get another one probably at a loss down the line.

I sometimes wish I had the resolve to just sell it and get another archon 100 and call it a day. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

The archon 100 was my main sound mixed with a savage 120 for a longgggg time even with other amps. Sometimes I'd use another combination but 80% of the time that was it when playing in the band. Before that it was mostly Satan 120 and Archon 100.

Anyone ever sold a Diezel and had regret later or owned it multiple times?

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I went through an amp whoring phase around 2019 i believe. Bogner, soldano,.diezel, monomyth. Of the amps i tried, two stuck out. Loved the punch of the twin jet, though it was disgusting looking under the skirt (fuses on pcb..) and it gave me trouble as soon as i got it. But the vh2 had a solid fucking sound. Why there are two channels, i will never know.

I dont really want another vh2 for the same reason i got rid of it. But i think about trying the big max just to see if i can get the diezel badassery in a single channel.
I always contemplate selling all my shit minus a few amps. My morin modded Marshall and rev F will never go anywhere, and maybe my EL34 100 5153. Or the KSRā€¦fuckā€¦who knows. But the point is I think everyone goes through this, I contemplate selling my Herbert all the time until I plug it in and Iā€™m like god damnā€¦probably the best sounding amp I own in the room anyways. Itā€™s just such an insane amp.

But, Iā€™ve been daydreaming about a Murphy les Paul, and something has got to go if i get one of thoseā€¦.
I worked too damn hard for too long to find or get most of the gear I own. I own it not for street credit but because they each have a story or purpose.

If the amp gives you joy and youā€™re inspired when you play it then why sell it? Theyā€™re killer in the studio more than live anyway.

If anything Iā€™ll be adding a Mesa dual rectifier to my collection and then Iā€™m calling it done. Itā€™s not what you do to impress others, itā€™s what you do to inspire yourself to write songs, riffs, or answer questions for others less fortunate.
I donā€™t regret ditching my vh4ā€¦I regret not buying the Herbert instead. Do you Chugg. Only you can make a proper decision for yourself bro.
I'd play the Diezel; wait a few days; play it again. Do this over and over until you're sure about it, keep or sell.

Unless it's a hard to find model/version, you can always get another, and if selling it lets you buy something else, losing some money if you sell it and buy it again in the future, is just a cost of doing business.

That's how I see it. I play and wait; repeat until I'm sure about keeping or selling.

I did this recently with my Engl E850/100, knowing it was discontinued; I put both the E530 and E850 up for sale, and pulled the E850 off, sold the E530. May change my mind in the future, but for now I can't see selling it. It's currently my only 6L6 power (except for my Super Twin that needs to be fixed), everything else I have is EL34.

Good luck with your decision; no matter what, I usually have regrets after I sell something, but I can usually buy it again if needed.
The good news about the Herbert is you can find another for sale used pretty easily if you regret it later. Trying new stuff can be fun anyway and if you get a more affordable substitute like the Archon you mentioned or an MT100 or something else you can live with it for a bit and see if it satisfies you or not. If it doesnā€™t then you can sell it and get another Herbert. If I were in your shoes Iā€™d probably sell it and try to find either a Rev F Recto or Revision 1 or 2 Uberschall
Sell them. Don't be sentimental. Six month rule: if it doesn't get used for six months,, goodbye. Keep what you need, not what you want, unless you are buying and selling for profit it's just cash money taking up floor space.
youā€™re inspired when you play it then why sell it?
This is what it's all about these days for me. I have a pretty cheap setup considering what's out there. Peavey 3120 and Mesa OS, it sounds great for what I do and certainly works BUT it is not inspiring to play whatsoever.

I feel as a gear whore there is no single amp that isn't missing SOMETHING. Every amp I've played is missing something but not every amp is inspiring. That is why I hated having to sell the Uber Ultra and why I will have another one day.

Never in my life have I wanted to play my guitar more, come up with better riffs more often and was just like wow this is MY amp than with that one.

Even that amp was "missing something". It could have a function to get it tighter and faster and why he didnt add a noise gate in that ridiculous mess of a noise box is beyond me.

But the point after this unnecessarily long post....Fuck having what other people care about or needing 12 amps for 6 scenarios....keep the one that inspires you as a player.
You know I used to be a horrible gear snob but now I have totally flipped the opposite way. The cheaper the better. As long as itā€™s still good stuff. Hope Iā€™m making senseā€¦lol
Sold my Diezel Herbert MK I in 2012 - Never stopped regretting it - that particular one was amazing and the MK II I acquired in 2020 couldn't touch it.

Sold my 2004 VH4 in 2011 - Initially regretted it, but later acquired a 2023 and found I strongly preferred the most recent revision. Still own it.

Sold my Diezel D-Moll in 2018. Never regretted it. For me, it was basically an inferior version of the Herbert.
I have considered starting a service for guitarists with GAS. I am going to call it "Yesterdays Tomorrow". All those guys that buy the same amp 5 times over and over, will have to worry no longer. Simply give me your amp, and I will store it for $10 a month in my secured, climate controlled facility for 6 months. Much like a CD at a bank, you can't get it back for 6 months without a fee. By that 6 month end, it will be like getting a new amp back and you have spent less than shipping an amp....already know the product you are getting, and save!
A couple of weeks ago my son and daughter , 7 & 10 years old respectively, were riding in the back seat of my pickup. Iā€™m blessed with good kids - a lovely wife - our home is normally peaceful.
Anyway, the three of us were on our way to town to pickup a few groceries, so I swung by and picked up a package that was waiting at the post office.
Iā€™m an older Dad so I like to think of myself as patient and more mentor like type , not the reactionary type.
Anyway.. the kids kept fighting and bickering over who got to hold this box from the post office, on the 10 minute ride back home .. I donā€™t even remember exactly what it was ā€¦ some Amazon junk I needed for work most likelyā€¦.
I patiently coached them to resolve the issue .. one could carry the box until we reached the park entrance, about half way home , then they had to switchā€¦ all agreed everyone happy , good!
Everything was kosher until a couple blocks from home, my youngest wanted it back , he wanted to carry it inside and the bickering started all over.
I lost it, in anger out came ,
ā€œItā€™s a stupid box ,itā€™s just a stupid boxā€
Yeah immediately I knew who those words were really meant for , and it wasnā€™t anyone in the back seat.
Sold my Diezel Herbert MK I in 2012 - Never stopped regretting it - that particular one was amazing and the MK II I acquired in 2020 couldn't touch it.

Sold my 2004 VH4 in 2011 - Initially regretted it, but later acquired a 2023 and found I strongly preferred the most recent revision. Still own it.

Sold my Diezel D-Moll in 2018. Never regretted it. For me, it was basically an inferior version of the Herbert.

I could not stand the Dmoll and flipped it in a matter of a couple days. Tracked way too slow and had far too little attack regardless of boost...for my taste anyway. Very low mid dominant without any upper midd attack/grind. Low end was round and soft.
I could not stand the Dmoll and flipped it in a matter of a couple days. Tracked way too slow and had far too little attack regardless of boost...for my taste anyway. Very low mid dominant without any upper midd attack/grind. Low end was round and soft.
Pretty much agree...very short on attack. Not aggressive enough for me.