AC/DC on Einstein Texas mode

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I got a used Einstein combo a few months ago, and with every day I love it more.

There's more than enough gain to go around on ch1 mode3 and also on ch2, but on ch1 mode2 (Texas) it seems that in order to get a nice AC/DC or ZZ Top crunch I have to max the gain knob.

I was just wondering if the rest of you Einstein users have had the same experience, or do your Einsteins have more "range" on mode 2 ?

What kind of settings do you use for a typical Back in Black tone ?
I have an Einstein combo that is 3 years old and have never had to change out the power tubes or pre-amp tubes "voluntarily".

If you are on channel one, mode II, and you have to max the gain to get that type of overdrive from the amp, something is not right.

I have placed into the V-1 and V-2 sockets, lower rated pre-amp tubes to cut the distortion available from the amp. You might wish to delve into what pre-amp tubes are in the amp.

I am electronically-challenged, myself, but there are other members and of course the master himself, Peter, as well as his able side-kicks, Olaf, and Terry, who can offer suggestions to you for a cure.
You should be able to easily achieve those tones with the Einstein as stated by Stephen. My initial thought (silly as it may be) is what guitar are you using? Just last night I was playing a guitar I hadn't played in a while and the sound was good but lacking and I remembered that I never properly adjusted the new pickups before I put it in the case a while back. Once I adjusted the pickup height, it was much better. List for me please your gear youa re using and I will do my best to help you.

Hi guys,
I'm using a Gibson LP with stock Burstbuckers. The guitar is well setup so I don't think that is the case.
It sounds great on ch1 mode1 and on ch2. I don't really use ch1 mode3 since ch2 just sounds fatter and with more gain without going beyond 12:00 on the gain control.

It's not that I can't get a AC/DC sound, it's just that I have to max the gain knob in order to do so (between 4:00 and max) which I find a little strange since I was expecting a bit more range.
I just wanted confirmation that it's the normal way the mode II is voiced, otherwise I have to investigate this further to find out what's wrong.
Please clarify what channel and mode you feel is not providing you with the right tone and I can better help you. Before I go giving you advice, I would like to be specifically clear that we are talking the same thing (channel and mode, etc.) Sorry if I am misunderstanding has been a busy and hectic day and I am

My first thought is if the tones can be had that you desire, who cares where the knobs are adjusted. On the flipside, I want to very much make sure that there isn't a problem in any way and to help however I can. :thumbsup:
well, certainly changing the V1 tube works (depends on the tube ofcourse) but you can increase the gain by swapping this tube. I know because BEFORE I swapped the preamp tubes I had to set the gain knob to 4:00 in ch1 mode 3 to get a fat rythm tone, now with the knob set to 2:00 - 3:00.

Now, I've found that the Einstein Modes in ch.1 are very wide but not as wide as you'd think. For example, in mode 1 if you set the gain at 9:00 and go all the way up to 4:00, the gain at 4:00 will sound pretty close to what it sounds in mode 2 with the gain at 12:00. And the same goes with mode 2..... if you max the gain at mode 2 (let's say 4:00) it'll sound like it sounds in Mode 3 with the gain at 12.

So it's fare to say, mode 2 starts where mode 1 maxed, and the same with mode 3 (it starts where mode 2 maxed) but they DO NOT start at 9:00, the start at 12:00.

If you know what I mean :confused: :D