Adam Jones- TOOL sig amp

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I know I'd like too. Sadly, they'd charge way to much for it.

There is no reason to spend 5k on a VH4 and a old Marshall to get his tone.
I can agree I'd like to be able to get the vh4 blueface today without paying an arm and a leg to some sucker who has been sitting on it for years but I certainly don't want to jump it into the super bass just to sound like the guy. I think everyone should find their own sound, but obviously people like what they like and they are influenced by whoever it is and it's nice to take an element of that and base you're own monster off it. Wasn't it Einstein that said the key to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources? Also, the guy is a true musician, not out to endorse shit. His name is on the back of ernie balls string sets and Ebow boxes etc etc because they know he uses one. He isn't going around plugging them wherever he can. He's let a few things out over the years about his stuff but most of it was figured out by fanatic fanboys. He may be a real piece of shit in real life, or he may just save the shit for his tubes :lol: :LOL: Who knows, and I believe he'd like to keep it that way.
I have much respect for Mr. Diezel. I wish he could find a way to cash out on an Adam Jones sig ala Bogner Alchemest and take a fucking vacation then come back 3 years from now and sell his craft for even more money.
Peter "Papa" Diezel is clearly a genius. I would hate to take away from that by going to Adam looking for a sig model. I would just like to be able to order a vh4 to blueface specs if I'm going to drop 4500 bones. To a lot of ppl on this forum that "ain't shit". To me it's not going to be my first of ten boutique amps.
I love all his albums, but I hate his distorted tones in most of them
10,000 days makes up for all of them, though :D

how about a single channel amp with VH4 3rd channel with paralleled (jumpered) gain stages like his Marshall?
one signal chain could be like a regular Diezel, and the other voiced like a classic Marshall, and then two independent gain knobs to mix the tones, like a Super Lead or a Vintage Modern
that wouldn't be that expensive or complicated

but it shouldn't be a signature model, imo
just a whole new model with simple features and a more affordable price :D

I miss that from Bogner too
although the Alchemist is a great amp for good price, I'd enjoy a lot more a single channel without the loop, effects, clean, boost, etc
Tvd":2lgt2d7n said:
Peter "Papa" Diezel is clearly a genius. I would hate to take away from that by going to Adam looking for a sig model. I would just like to be able to order a vh4 to blueface specs if I'm going to drop 4500 bones. To a lot of ppl on this forum that "ain't shit". To me it's not going to be my first of ten boutique amps.

Playa, play on.
sutepaj":3uudxlis said:
Tvd":3uudxlis said:
Peter "Papa" Diezel is clearly a genius. I would hate to take away from that by going to Adam looking for a sig model. I would just like to be able to order a vh4 to blueface specs if I'm going to drop 4500 bones. To a lot of ppl on this forum that "ain't shit". To me it's not going to be my first of ten boutique amps.

Playa, play on.

What're you playing though these days man? Been a while. Still got the Bassman 10?
sutepaj":1vn8hcr6 said:
Yeah.the siverface bassman and the slx. :)
Nice. I'd love to hear that Bassman. It's a 4x10, closed back right?

A Fender amps expert, I am not.

Maybe it wouldn't be as expensive but it would be a cop out all the same. Half the fun if you're trying to learn someone's music is to try and emulate the songs to the best of your ability as well as the gear you are able to acquires ability, who wants to be dead, dead on? It's not at all you at that point. I don't necessarily think that changing notes/lyrics/ in tools case, nuances, will make something your own, but i've seen a few good youtube covers of say jambi, and using a little wah and delay in place of a talkbox all behind a herbert, still sounds sick! And it's just different enough? I get into a lot of arguements about music haha, not because i'm arguementative but because i'm opinionated. So let the record state, this is only my opinion and I am open to hearing others!
Jones Tonez no problem, I got those in my Tone library, including early Metallica and early AIC. :thumbsup:

EXPcustom":3i3ba1is said:
Jones Tonez no problem, I got those in my Tone library, including early Metallica and early AIC. :thumbsup:


Post aenima jonez tonez :lol: :LOL:
:rock: I've seen this pic over at tooltabs and you have a sick collection!

Clearly you need to re-take it with the new/old vh4 and that sick esp!

Annnnnd, clearly I spend way to much time on the net staring at other ppls shit :lol: :LOL: :doh:
Man I need him to start playing a Fortin modded SLP so I can sell it to some toolbag for $5000.
EXPcustom":3rll8p66 said:
Jones Tonez no problem, I got those in my Tone library, including early Metallica and early AIC. :thumbsup:


Nice! I think I've seen you over at Tooltabs as well. :)

Jonez Toanz (except no Marshall, which is more important that the VH4, imo):

Digital Jams":2yex0gv2 said:
Man I need him to start playing a Fortin modded SLP so I can sell it to some toolbag for $5000.

Do it, no ones stopping you. :thumbsup:
Digital Jams":l84yzd7y said:
Man I need him to start playing a Fortin modded SLP so I can sell it to some toolbag for $5000.


Did you blow the JMP up yet?
To the OP, I looked because I was curious as to what this thread held. However, I'd not be interested in a signature Adam Jones amp. Fact is, I've always steered clear of 'signature' anything - whether it be guitars, stomps, amps, mods, whatever... I'm of the mindset that I can make my own sounds, and would feel more unique and independent doing just that, rather than trying to emulate someone else's tone.

Now this is just me, but I think we're ALL smart enough to realize that a name or a logo on a piece of equipment does jack shit to make it sound anything like that person's name. It's strictly a money grab marketing ploy. I am still miffed that Gibson thought they could get away with these "Pearly Gates" Lesters that are Billy Gibbon's signature models. I don't even like ZZ Top so why blow over $10K on a $3000 Lester (if it's even worth that??). Utter horseshit.

Same as the AFD Marshall series - alright, if this was the tits, then Slash would be using this amp on tour at all times. Fact is? He has one (sort of, a modded Jubilee) in his rack, but his dirt comes from a different Marshall head altogether. So it's just snake oil, really... What's even funnier is the majority of what we think is Slash tone was never from a Les Paul proper, but a mock up Lester he had from some cat in California - yet, there's Gibson making a "Slash" signature model. Whatever.

I think a few of us have just about gone crazy chasing this bird. :)
I have not been over to Tool Tab in some time .... need to stop over there.
I would also like to take this time to start a rumor that he is working with (Peavey, Create, Burgera~ pick one or make one up).
stephen sawall":3cso33au said:
I think a few of us have just about gone crazy chasing this bird. :)
I have not been over to Tool Tab in some time .... need to stop over there.
I would also like to take this time to start a rumor that he is working with (Peavey, Create, Burgera~ pick one or make one up).
I was under the impression he was working with Jerry Dyer, getting a sig. model based on the 'ol pignose.