After having a herbert for 10+ years, what should i get next?

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So this is the deal

Starting out, loving metal i had to get the Herbert.
while years past, i kept rolling back the gain knob on the OD channels down, bit by bit every year.
I went from trash and metal to playing jazz.

I love the Herbert, i just cant get rid of it, so its a keeper. But after so much time its time for something else.

I want a crisp clean
A low gain channel that loves od pedals
And a channel that has gain enough to still play jaw dropping riffs and singing leads.

Back then i had to choose between the Herbert and the Mark V.
My brother got a mark V a vew months before, i loved them and all the channels when playing it.
Before buying my next amp i want to test a vew more amps before i get the Mark V.

Money isnt a issue! (im not talking dumble types of amounts)

I had two other amps i always wanted to try:
Bogner xtc: still have to play this amp
Slo 100: Love the amp, but its voicing is to similar to the Herbert.

Let me know if you have any other amps i could possibly try out!

Try a Landry - great clean channel and excellent Marshall crunch on the other.
“want a crisp clean
A low gain channel that loves od pedals
And a channel that has gain enough to still play jaw dropping riffs and singing leads.”

Of the amps you mentioned, the XTC sounds like it’ll get you what you described above.

On the other hand, based on what you described, consider a Granger 10036 or 5036. It’s a two channel amp. 1 channel 1959 Plexi circuit (low gain, loves pedals). Channel 2 is based on the SIR #36/39 mod (Marshall Super Lead with extra tube gain stage). I know that’s off the beaten path, but Curt makes quality amps, one at a time.
Yea Bogner will be a different flavor and met all your criteria...
Probably a Mark V. It takes more tweaking and it's more picky about cabs than alot of other amps, but I'm not sure another amp does so many distinct sounds as well as a V.

The XTC has a great clean channel when dialed in properly, but the gain channels never felt right to me. They sounded pretty great, though the Red got way too compressed/saturated easily, but it felt disconnected to me.

I would check out the Bogner Goldfinger SL. I've had the XTC, Shiva 20th Anniversary, and the SL. The SL was my favorite, and I would have kept it but I'm cutting back to one amp and an Axe FX.

...which, if you wanted you could put your name on the list for a Fractal FM9 and just run that through the Diezel or go all out with the Axe FX III
Wizard recommendation posts in 3….2…1 😀😀
I don’t think there is 3 channel amp that can make everything you ask for.
Mark V is very good allrounder, better clean and lead channel than XTC which is Blue channel amp what makes it great.
New SLO has great clean and crunch channel and amazing lead.
For more extravaganza You can check Mezzabarba Mzero or Trinity.

These days if I think clean sound, pedal-taker, and high gain I think of three different amps. I tend to find when an amp maker focuses on one of those three areas you get a better system for that concept. That's just me.
Since you already have the ultra heavy stuff covered with your Diezel, and youre after something clean that takes pedals well but can still cop lead tones, I would say get something that specializes in cleans/edge of breakup.

But theres a few ways you could take this:

1. Chimey non channel switcher way - for the clean sounds youre describing theres nothing better than stuff in the vox family of circuits. I would say a TopHat King Royale or Matchless DC-30 or Bad Cat black cat, because the newer AC30's aren't too great IMO.

2. High gain Channel switcher way - In addition to the xtx, this could be SLO, Bogner Goldfinger, and Bogner Helios, Wizard MCII, Hughes and Kettner Triamp (but only a used one) Buddha Superdrive Series, or any of the Friedman stuff.

3. Single channel with a lot of options - Modded marshall route. Monomyth, Gower, there's a million great builders out there. Perhaps grab a 1959, see how you like it, and get it modded by a quality guy?
Count this as another vote for the JP2C, based on your ask, though the Mark V is tough to beat too. Couldn’t go wrong with either. Mark V clean is really clean and has some good tonality options to fatten it up, I know the Crunch on Channel 2 of the Mark V takes a SD-1 like a champ and there’s a lot to choose from on Channel 3. I really like the 2 EQs on the JP2C, it’s clean is pristine and the other channels are just as good. I don’t know how a JP2C takes a boost or if it even needs one. The Mark V has so many damn options though, it’s literally like 5 or 6 amps in one.

They are both totally different than your Herbert.

I have a 90W Mark V and it does get all of these tones. But it’s not a Marshall or a Mark IIC+ or Mark IV, however it does represent those tones very well.

This guy does a good demo but he’s very excited about the Mark V, maybe a little honeymoon phase but everything he says is what you can expect.

I don’t have a JP2C, almost bought one but couldn’t pull the trigger with the Mark V in the house. Not different enough for me. Ended up with a Bogner Helios 100… totally different world.

These are good representations of the JP2C from the man himself:

People around here hate this guy but this is a good demo of the JP2C too:

Oddly enough I’ve thought a lot about a Herbert, I just haven’t found the right deal on one yet. Good luck in your search.
I’m going to go against the grain here on my suggestions.

You have high gain covered.

Here’s my two entries:

I suggest you check out a Ceriatone trainwreck express clone.

Another amp I recommend you try is one that @mentoneman turned me onto with his warm tones many many years ago. An Egnater Tourmaster 4100. Some of the warmest big tones I’ve ever heard on a stage.
Thanks for the replys!!!
Didnt think id get so many options :hys:

Ill do some research on the amps mentioned and see if i can find some nearby to demo myself.

For now the Mark V is my current #1
Lets see if a other amp can beat it from its position.

Thanks for the input
If you like the Diezel sound, you could try the Paul out. There's a video on youtube of the guys from Diezel playing it the clean channel is amazing. Plus the built in reverb is just beautiful!
I enjoy playing jazz on my Herbert clean . It’s the most understanding clean ever fr . I sold my super reverb cause it was never getting used
Yes, i love the Herbert but its time to move on to something new.

After watching clips and clips and clips im planning on testing a xtc and the mark v.
A marshall plexi is very interesting but i need more flexibility.
I’ve gone back and forth between the V and JP2C. The V is Simul-Class, no MIDI and single EQ. JP2C is not SC, has MIDI and dual EQ. This video sold me on the JP2C hearing JP recreate tones from his album collection. Tweaking the JP2C to sound pretty dang close to different Mesa amps he recorded with.
I’ve gone back and forth between the V and JP2C. The V is Simul-Class, no MIDI and single EQ. JP2C is not SC, has MIDI and dual EQ. This video sold me on the JP2C hearing JP recreate tones from his album collection. Tweaking the JP2C to sound pretty dang close to different Mesa amps he recorded with.

I bought this amp no having played it and after this demo bought it. This is one of my most favorite sounding amps I've owned. I love the fact it has 2 graphic eq's and the shred option for me is very cool for downtuned riffs.