Alternitive Tubes For Tweaker 15W

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Im in the hunt for new tubes for my Tweaker 15W head. I am looking for a more gainer tone from it as i have dialed in a Mesa style tone and would like a touch more gain from the pre valves and a new set of power tubes. I know the 6V6s can be changed for a set of 6L6s, and would like to do this as well posibly.

What tubes would be recomended for what i want.

Thanks in advance.
High gain JJ in v1 should do what you want it to. As far as the 6L6's go, I tried them in mine but went back to the 6v6 as I preferred the sound. Also with 6L6's you will have to leave the top vent off because they will stick out the top.

I'm currently running Tung Sol's in mine and am extremely pleased with the sound but I haven't tried to cop a Mesa style tone out of it. I have a Mesa for that :-)
I wouldn't go jj in the preamp-maybe a 9th gen chinese in v2-whatever controls the od channel
+1 on the Chinese preamp tubes. GT 12AX7-C is a great choice for preamp/PI for gain and great clean also. Tung Sol would be another great choice for preamp/PI (Russian). I really like the EH 6V6, great sound with classic, creamy smooth 6V6 breakup. The Ruby output tubes that come in the Tweakers now, sound great, I believe that they are Chinese also (Shuguang). If you go with 6L6 output tubes, you will get a much cleaner sound (less breakup). The 6L6 also pulls more filament current than a 6V6, be sure that the transformer can handle the extra current (about one extra amp), and the amp will run hotter with 6L6 tubes. Of course the amp will not be able to get the full power of the 6L6, just stay cleaner longer.
If you want a more gainy tone, try changing out the preamp tubes.

First, try a tungsol 12ax7 in V1 and see if you like it.

If it sounds better, then move to V2. You can try two different tubes there and see which sounds best to your ear. Try a chinese 12ax7 (Groove Tube 12ax7c, Penta, Ruby, Schuguang or Sino are all the same manufacturer, just relabeled). Also try a tungsol in V2 and see whether you like the sound with a chinese tube (lower gain) or the tungsol (higher gain).

Once you get V2 settled, you can change V3 if you want. I would use a Sovtek 12ax7LPS.
