Amp signal chain questions?

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I have recently purchased my first tube amp, a VHT 12/20 and have some questions as I am trying to understand the signal chain through the amp. I am not very good at reading schematics so it is a little confusing to me. :doh: It is also the first amp with a built in effects loop that I have owned.

If I am reading the schematic correctly, the volume control is actually in the pre-amp section. Is this the input volume?

The owner’s manual literature says the effects loop is post pre-amp but the schematic seems to show it between V1 and V2. The effects loop has both send and return controls, if I am reading the schematic correctly; would this be another volume control between V1 and V2? When you adjust these controls, the volume and distortion increase and decrease accordingly.

The best I can figure, the wattage control acts as a master volume. If someone with more knowledge can correct me if I’m wrong I would appreciate it.

I found a video of a mod adding a Belton Reverb and was wondering if it would be possible to add to my amp?
Here is a picture of the schematic from the owners manual.

Thanks for any and all help.
your right but it uses half of v1 for the send and half of v2 for the return. its going to be too interactive in my opinion. its all intergrated for simplicity and costs.

belton module essentially could be added to tons of amps if you have the knowhow and patience. I would rather have the pedal version. no need to convert your audio to digital then back again. maybe it does a psuedo paralele. i dont know.
ill go wathc the vid