Another NGD: My first headless guitar - Legator Ghost

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So just last week I took delivery of a Harley Benton 8 string multiscale. It's still waiting for strings and a setup, but I didn't stop looking at multiscale 8 strings. Along came this flamingo pink Legator Ghost with EMG 808s. I am in love.

With its rando friends

Only issue was a wobbly knob:

But that was fixed quickly and easily:

i was looking at their ghost 7, and might pick one up. i bought a used sterling majesty to see if i can get used to it for a new project. you might have pushed me over the edge with your pink 8.
i was looking at their ghost 7, and might pick one up. i bought a used sterling majesty to see if i can get used to it for a new project. you might have pushed me over the edge with your pink 8.

Big cosign over here. I think it looks sharp. I couldn’t put it down last night - fell asleep with it in my hands hahaha
Sweet! Huge congrats to you! May you love it long time!

Oddly enough, I have my 1st headless otw to me from Belgium - and it's also a Legator Ghost, but a 6-string multi-scale version. I was antsy about Legator, but it seems they've cleaned up their act in the last few years. Omega Music shop swore to me that's its QC was spot on perfect.
Only issue I had was a loose volume knob which I assume was more from the pickup swap by the previous owner rather than Legator QC.
The neck feels great.
I spent about 20 minutes getting the fucking Schaller button in the horn last night though hahaha.
Very nice! HNGD! I'm also a fan of Legators. Here's a couple of mine. Also have a few Ghosts, acoustic, and few redundants in different colors not pictured, but overall have been very happy with them the last few years.
p&b legators.jpg
Low E is so weird to hear. I think it's a combination of not really being familiar with hearing that low-ass register from my instrument and that I've been playing in Drop D for so long that the low string being close-to-but-not-D is weird for me.
Low E is so weird to hear. I think it's a combination of not really being familiar with hearing that low-ass register from my instrument and that I've been playing in Drop D for so long that the low string being close-to-but-not-D is weird for me.
i just got a sterling majesty and put a nazgul in it and got it set up. it felt/ sounded weird for a few minutes but then i got used to it as i dialed a more suitable tone and holy shit is brutal. went back to my guitar in drop c after about an hour and it was soooo strange now. i may have been converted, and now i have several of the legators in my watch list.