there are a lot of crappy youtube vids, but none of the really let me see how heavy can the einstein get!. anyone ccare to post a heavy heavy clip?(metal/chugga chugga!)
By half I mean, to be exact, right side is 100% Einstein, one track Sennheiser E906 and a second Shure SM57 recorded through a 2x12" loaded with Eminence V12. The easier leads (the first ones) during the open chord part is Einstein too.
I'm not 100% satisfied with the sound but we didn't have much time to play around so it was the best we could do. At least it shows that the Einstein can do pretty heavy It is not as mean and raw as the VH4 I own now but still quite brutal I think. By the way, it was channel 2 with gain about 1 o'clock, rest accept for mids (11 o'clock) about noon. Maybe a bit more presence I think.
Got some dodgy live guitar/drum + studio vocals with no bass stuff here. Single track of each guitar, I'm on the right (I think - 2 of the tracks start with 1 guitar only... that's me) with prototype Einstein 100w into Framus Dragon cab, Engl Invader 150 into Marshall v30 loaded cab on the other side:
Played pretty much exclusively ch 2/mode 3. There's a couple of tubescreamered parts mixed in too... EDIT: Guitar wise, I'm using a Blackmachine with BKP Miracle Man bridge p/up and am tuned to E concert!