stay away. D-Two does not have the ability to set the mix volume of the delay repeats. it is a constant volume and cannot be adjusted in those units - google it and you will see all of the same issues. back when i was researching for a high end delay i also found out that TC electronics acknowledges the problem/lack of feature but refuses to support the product with a firmware update to allow you to vary it.
the korg unit LR is mentioning is the DL8000R - full MIDI and sound fucking amazing, but they are very very rare, and the only one i found for sale had a cracked screen over at HRI. Hunter here on the forum owns one, the clips sound great.
minus the cash for a 2290 and didnt want an all in one effects unit (gforce), i went for a damage control timeline. full midi, tube buffered, and strum-tempo. covers the lead tones i was looking for and has all of the adjustments i could ask for.