Anyone Buy From Sweetwater? Do They Take Trade-Ins On Gear?

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Just wondering if anyone buys from Sweetwater and knows if they take trade-ins.
I use them often and they take good care of their customers ,but they do not take trade ins since they do not sell used.
SW is awesome.

They have great financing with most manufacturers and my rep has given me great deals here and there. I can’t speak on taking trade ins but they do actually have used gear sometimes. You cannot return their used gear so be careful.

The only negative imo is their selection. It isn’t bad at all but Musicians Friend seems to have a few more options like Caparison for example. Not a huge difference though and the service from SW is top notch.

If buying new you can return with no hassle however, I do not trust in their “55 point inspection” as I have gotten an item that a blind man could see had issues. To avoid that get to know your rep, buy a few things and ask them to inspect for you.
agree....55 point is BS. I had a guitar show up all outta tune/intonation and string levels were messed up. They act like they do a setup of some crap, but of course they don't.
I don't buy the inspection thing either. I bought an acoustic in December and the box had been opened and resealed with their Sweetwater tape, but it had way too much fret buzz for anyone to have actually checked it out.

They do have a separate storefront area for used stuff called The Gear Exchange, down the hall toward the cafeteria. You'd deal directly with them for a trade.
I don't buy the inspection thing either. I bought an acoustic in December and the box had been opened and resealed with their Sweetwater tape, but it had way too much fret buzz for anyone to have actually checked it out.

They do have a separate storefront area for used stuff called The Gear Exchange, down the hall toward the cafeteria. You'd deal directly with them for a trade.
Dead thread, I know. Stumbled upon it looking for something else, but tell me you aren’t serious…. You ordered an acoustic guitar in December that traveled to you over at least a day in a cold FedEx truck and you expect it to not have fret buzz???

And the guy before you, you got a guitar in the mail that was out of tune??? The audacity. Also, no where does it say they do set ups on the instruments before sending them out.

I’m not some Sweetwater fanboy, but come on. Common sense.
