Anyone know about different EINSTEIN VERSIONS?

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Hi guys, kinda new here, if someone could help me out with this question that would be sweet :confused: I will be purchasing an einstein soon and i'm wondering about different versions. On ebay theres a newer one that has a bunch of writing on the back, it seems like it's biasing information, and on another older model for sale I see no writing on the back. Is the newer one easier to play around with different tube combinations like the newer version of the Herbert? Does that mean if I get the older version will it be harder to change the tubes myself? There's a pretty big price difference between the two but I think i'm leaning toward the newer version, and if I buy it from my buddy at guitar center it comes with lifetime warranty from some of the best amp builders on the planet, now were talking :yes: Please give me your opinion, any info is massively appreciated! P.S. Cant wait to hear about Schmidt at the Frankfurt music fair, I should probably hold off buying an einstein until that leaks out but I have no patience, I need Diezel tone now! and two Diezels are better than one anyway. :rock: Thanks for the help, rock on.
I don't know much about different "versions" of the Einstein as far as production evolution goes (like the blue-plated VH4 or Einstein prototypes, for example), but I own the 100W head and it sounds absolutely killer. I couldn't imagine any better amp. As far as current versions go, I'd definatly go with the 100W over the 50W or combo, simply because the 50W might break up a little too soon and the combo wouldn't be closed back, which is definately preferred with heavier sounds. The 100W still sounds great at lower volumes, and you can probably change it to a 50W head anyway. I don't know though, you could like the earlier breakup of the 50W version. And the clean does sound amazing with an open back combo. Just my two cents I guess...I don't know if this is an answer you were looking for. Hope it helps!
Thanx for your 2 cents bro, yeah I think the 100 watt is the way to go, you've always got the option to make it 50W for earlier breakup and I like the extra headroom. Right now I have a Bogner Shiva combo (for sale on ebay) it sounds good but I want more versatility, if I want some mean heavy distortion I know the einie has that on tap, and sweet vintage tones too. I don't really play metal anymore, I play kinda stoner psychedelic rock with some funk elements so i'm still trying to decide between closed or open back 2 12 cab. I think I might try the open back first since I use more cleans with effects these days and not as much balls out distortion. Maybe one of each in stereo is the way to roll. i'll try to post some pics of what i was talking about earlier, the writing on the back of the einstein, is that biasing info that makes tube swapping easier? One of the amps pictured has writing on the back, one doesn't. Thanks again for the info, it was helpful.


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Bogner Shiva...GREAT amp. I almost got one a while back before I bought my Einstein. I'm glad I didn't buy it, but sounded really great.

I'd just try an open back and a closed at the same time and just see what you like. They're just different. I like both sounds and was kind of torn between the two, so I just stuck with closed back for the versatility. If you want versatility man, I'd go with the closed back...might even sound more full with effects and whatnot. I even liked the texas mode better with a closed back...those lower frequencies help I think. I liked your ideas though...maybe running one of each would sound cool!

As for the biasing information, I don't think that one Einstein with the writing would be different than another (or easier to bias), just because I just haven't heard of any added option like that. I could be wrong, who knows.

Any help, Peter?
I have a Framus 2x12 with V30s, and sounds great! (it was cheap too... 300 Euros) I'm sure a Diezel matching cab would be even sweeter, but I just didn't have the cash for it.

By the way, the Framus I'm talking about is closed back AND 3/4 open has a panel which can be removed and turned into a 3/4 cab. Could be the way to go for you.

I'm using it as a closed back, I'm yet to try it with the panel off. But after being a Combo (open back) man for a looooong time, this is my first closed back...I like it better..... Cleans sound great and punchy, and texas/heavy distortion sounds in your face..... very nice. :rock:
Just got back from guitar center and put a deposit down and my buddy hooked me up with a smokin' deal, i think it's time to drink beer now :thumbsup: I made a mistake earlier its a five year warranty, I don't know where i heard it was lifetime when bought new. Oh well five years is plenty and since i'm buying it new at least I know it hasn't been mistreated and i can baby the hell out of it. Yeah the Shivas pretty sweet, it's the 6L6 version, i'm playing with pretty heavy gauge strings and it sounds nice and fat, great cleans. I know the einstein will have WAY more versatility though. I thought a pretty tight rig would be a shiva head and an einstein head both in an ATA case rigged to maybe one cab with an amp switching system from Bradshaw or something. Portable, small, potent rig :yes: unfortunately I don't have a studio right now so I play at home a lot and the shiva doesn't sound that great at really low volumes. Of course when you really open it up it sounds awesome but if I do that my neighbors will have my head. I know the einstein will sound great at low volumes cause I owned a herbert for a short while and that thing totally rocked at really low volumes. I know people say it's not the same as playing really loud but studios here in san francisco are expensive! When you think like me, "I could buy like 2 sweet new pedals if i don't have to pay studio rent" then you just park your ass at home and play low, at least the gears coming in!

With the 2 12 cab at least i can fit that in my car, when i had a 4 12 cab transportation was a bitch. 2 12 is the way to go for shure. Thanks for the input man, i'll definately look into the closed backs. And thanks for the input Joeyptg, if i remember correctly Framus is partners with Warwick or something like that, nice gear, that cab seems like a nice compromise for sure. As for the Diezel cabs, they probably come with a choice of speakers like the 4 12. i think it's V-30's or the custom diezel speakers. jeez, even more decisions! oh well at east all these choices makes it possible to get so many different sounds and really fine tune your sound. My buddy plays through a 20 watt class A Hi-Watt custom , and he swears the speakers in his hi watt cab are the best ever, i think they're called phantom speakers or something like that, it does sound really good through his les paul custom though, might not be good for such a high gain amp though, of course it all comes down to a matter of personal taste. I'm just purchasing one cab for now though, probably a closed back diezel cab just to be safe for now, i'd like to really work towards getting a custom switcher setup from custom audio electronics where you put all your pedals in a rack and control them all with a midi footswitch. This has been a gear goal for SO long and i just gotta do it cause it cleans up the rig so much and if a pedal goes out live my rig won't. A system like that will only put the pedal through the loop when you want the effect in the mix so you could have like 15 pedals on tap and its like you plugged your guitar right into your amp so it doesn't even matter if some of your pedals are true bypass. I just got a Lovetone ? flanger with no name and that thing sounds f&*#ing amazing but i paid over a grand for it and if someone spilled beer on it i thing i would cry like a little girl. so i think a custom switcher would be a really wise purchase. There i go again, spending money WAY before i even have it :doh: i'm sure your tone really improves though when all the pedals and tuner aren't in the loop, and you could switch from clean with some effects on straight to distortion without tap dancing. anyways sorry for the long post thats what happens when i daydream, i think im salivating :D
Yeah dude, I hear you. I use the GCX Audio Switcher/Ground Control Pro setup and I couldn't imagine using any other setup man. I control ALL modes on Channel 1 of the Einstein, all channels, master volumes, my G-Force, and whatever pedals I want to put in the loop...ALL WITH ONE BUTTON. It rules! You can also A/B amps and cabinets with the loops. The GCX even has an expression pedal out...this thing's rediculous. Definately check it out since you're getting an Einstein, which can be a pain to use live with the factory footswitch. You can't even switch modes with the factory footswitch!

As for should DEFINATELY look into Celestion's G12H30's. They have the sweetest breakup you will ever hear in your life. A G12H-30 paired with a V30 = heavenly tone. The frequency response with these two speakers combined is by far the best I've ever heard. They also work perfectly with the Einstein for those just sweet enough vintage tones and also for nice focused heavy sounds. For some comparisons check out this link I found: Check out the G12H30 clips of the Bogner Shiva and compare them to the other speakers...the G12H30 is much sweeter sounding I think. Oh, another thing...Avatar makes a speaker called a Hellatone 30. It is an actual Celestion G12H30 that has been broken in already...they just slap a "Hellatone" sticker on the back and send it to you! Definately worth checking out if you're interested...they're fairly cheap too.

Hope this helps bro
Killer bro thanx for all the info, yeah im pretty stoked i finally settled on the einstein, i have a feeling this is going to be one kickass amp! So when you say a G12-H30 paired with a V-30 do you mean one of each in one cabinet? And do you know if Diezel offers their cabs with G12H30's? They do sound great on that demo, thanx for the link thats a pretty cool page. That GCX Seems pretty sweet, makes it so you don't have to get a mod to switch between the three modes, I didn't know that was possible so thanx for mentioning that. It might be a nice money saving alternative to a CAE switcher. And if you know of any good ATA case builders for the einie let me know i'd appreciate it, i'm looking for one that has a few rack spaces too so I can put in a tuner and power conditioner. Thanx again for all the great info!
friscogypsee":2l7q80d1 said:
Killer bro thanx for all the info, yeah im pretty stoked i finally settled on the einstein, i have a feeling this is going to be one kickass amp! So when you say a G12-H30 paired with a V-30 do you mean one of each in one cabinet? And do you know if Diezel offers their cabs with G12H30's? They do sound great on that demo, thanx for the link thats a pretty cool page. That GCX Seems pretty sweet, makes it so you don't have to get a mod to switch between the three modes, I didn't know that was possible so thanx for mentioning that. It might be a nice money saving alternative to a CAE switcher. And if you know of any good ATA case builders for the einie let me know i'd appreciate it, i'm looking for one that has a few rack spaces too so I can put in a tuner and power conditioner. Thanx again for all the great info!

G12H-30 + V30, all in one 2x12 cabinet.

As for the Einstein mode-switching mod, I DID have to have that done, but it didn't cost much and you might could do it yourself if you have some soldering skills. Its like having an extra footswitch, but all the fooswitches are controlled through the GCX loops. More info about the mod can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=24857&hilit=einstein+mod

I sent you a PM with some details about the GCX as well. Check it out!

I have an Einstein head/rack case from Affordable Cases. Call them and they'll qoute you a price, since the Einstein case isn't on their website.