Just got back from guitar center and put a deposit down and my buddy hooked me up with a smokin' deal, i think it's time to drink beer now

I made a mistake earlier its a five year warranty, I don't know where i heard it was lifetime when bought new. Oh well five years is plenty and since i'm buying it new at least I know it hasn't been mistreated and i can baby the hell out of it. Yeah the Shivas pretty sweet, it's the 6L6 version, i'm playing with pretty heavy gauge strings and it sounds nice and fat, great cleans. I know the einstein will have WAY more versatility though. I thought a pretty tight rig would be
a shiva head and
an einstein head both in an ATA case rigged to maybe one cab with an amp switching system from Bradshaw or something. Portable, small, potent rig

unfortunately I don't have a studio right now so I play at home a lot and the shiva doesn't sound that great at really low volumes. Of course when you really open it up it sounds awesome but if I do that my neighbors will have my head. I know the einstein will sound great at low volumes cause I owned a herbert for a short while and that thing totally rocked at really low volumes. I know people say it's not the same as playing really loud but studios here in san francisco are expensive! When you think like me, "I could buy like 2 sweet new pedals if i don't have to pay studio rent" then you just park your ass at home and play low, at least the gears coming in!
With the 2 12 cab at least i can fit that in my car, when i had a 4 12 cab transportation was a bitch. 2 12 is the way to go for shure. Thanks for the input man, i'll definately look into the closed backs. And thanks for the input Joeyptg, if i remember correctly Framus is partners with Warwick or something like that, nice gear, that cab seems like a nice compromise for sure. As for the Diezel cabs, they probably come with a choice of speakers like the 4 12. i think it's V-30's or the custom diezel speakers. jeez, even more decisions! oh well at east all these choices makes it possible to get so many different sounds and really fine tune your sound. My buddy plays through a 20 watt class A Hi-Watt custom , and he swears the speakers in his hi watt cab are the best ever, i think they're called phantom speakers or something like that, it does sound really good through his les paul custom though, might not be good for such a high gain amp though, of course it all comes down to a matter of personal taste. I'm just purchasing one cab for now though, probably a closed back diezel cab just to be safe for now, i'd like to really work towards getting a custom switcher setup from custom audio electronics where you put all your pedals in a rack and control them all with a midi footswitch. This has been a gear goal for SO long and i just gotta do it cause it cleans up the rig so much and if a pedal goes out live my rig won't. A system like that will only put the pedal through the loop when you want the effect in the mix so you could have like 15 pedals on tap and its like you plugged your guitar right into your amp so it doesn't even matter if some of your pedals are true bypass. I just got a Lovetone ? flanger with no name and that thing sounds f&*#ing amazing but i paid over a grand for it and if someone spilled beer on it i thing i would cry like a little girl. so i think a custom switcher would be a really wise purchase. There i go again, spending money WAY before i even have it

i'm sure your tone really improves though when all the pedals and tuner aren't in the loop, and you could switch from clean with some effects on straight to distortion without tap dancing. anyways sorry for the long post thats what happens when i daydream, i think im salivating