Anyone play a Rocktron Gainiac?

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It was something like 10 or 12 years ago but from what I remember it had a really cool crunch to it. I wanted to get one but I couldn't afford it at the time. It sounded good at the store at TV volume if that helps at all.
I just saw it, and they sell used for around $100 and I thought if it sounded cool, it might be worth the $100 to have an extra tone laying around ;)
Dammit - sorry man.
Forget everything I said above.
The preamp I saw was a Piranha.
I did some digging and realized I was retarded.
Sorry for the mix-up.
I like your new avatar, btw.
cool, I'm not serious about this, I just found one REAL cheap and figured I'd ask, and if it was positive, I'd give it a go.....

I'm REALLY on the hunt for a LANGNER DCP-1 preamp. There is the Langner Brutus Power amp on ebay right now, that I'm about 2 seconds away from pulling the trigger on, but I think I'd rather have the VHT.
Ahhh disposable income rocks my nuts!
Good luck with that man.
everything i've ever heard about the gainiac is that it sucks. however, i've never been able to verify...this came from HC kids that probably had no idea how to actually use a preamp.

i would say if you can get it that cheap, throw down on it! if it sucks, you can always sell it.
I haven't played one personally, but from what I've heard it is very good for its price, but it doesn't have an absolute massive overkill gain like is says it does. It needs a boost to do that.

Keep in mind this is just what i heard so who knows...

they're cheap for a reason. I had one for a bit, and I hated it. Save your $$
i had one and liked at the time but then again my tone knowledge has matured think pop punk distotion