Anyone try Avatar cabs?

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I'm looking to get a 2x12 cabinet, but I don't want to spend a whole lot of money. For $389 and $40 shipping, with 2 V30s, the Avatar cab doesn't seem like such a bad option. Does anyone have experience with them? I know if there's a catch, it'll be in tone. I want to play down tuned metal through this thing, and I'd either get that or another 2x12 from a different company. Any thoughts?

Yes I've tried the 2x12 std. size and the 4x12. Both with V30's. I love them. On par with my Bogner sound wise, nice cabs, very good value.
The contemporary cab looks promising... Same amount of wood as an Orange, half the price.
Avatar is great to deal with. I've had mixed feelings on the sound of the oversized 212 though. Ended up doing modifications to it in order to improve its sound, which actually did help. That being said I'd still recommend them but point to a cab other than the oversized 212. The contemporary looks quite nice.
My take on Avatar cabs is the following; if you want something to roll around, without giving much shit what happens to it, they are perfect. Otherwise I'd take both Bogner & Mesa cabs I've owned over Avatars any day. I'm hearing they are made in the same factory as Bogners, which can possibly be true, but they sure don't sound the same, not even close, at least to my ear.