New member
I started taking my modules back to stock and I think I prefer it. Something about the upper mids that bothers me. I just can't play amps well with an obvious boost in the upper mids. I like em a little more mellow in the upper mids like the stock modules. The EG3/4 and SL2 still do a lot in stock form! Heck I can cover classic rock to modern rock with the EG3/4 in stock form. I know most see the EG3/4 as a smooth lead module but it does warm rhythm tones well even with high gain - very Bogner XTC, very Tool/ACP. Only thing I kept was the tight bass cap mod on the SL2.
I must be honest though, I have been considering giving up my clwean modules and using the SL in slot number one for clean to Plexi.
I must be honest though, I have been considering giving up my clwean modules and using the SL in slot number one for clean to Plexi.