Anything in FRONT of my Amp with ext. power supply cause hum

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New member
Hey guys,

I have the following problem with my Herbert:
When I put things into the loops, everythings fine, but if I put anything with an external power supply in FRONT of
it (noisegate, pedals, my G-System) I get horrible hum.

Does anybody know what to do against this?
Noisegate does not make any sense because when I go straight into the amp, there is almost no noise.
But I would love to use my new G-System and I want to use my wha in front without a battery...

For any solutions: I am located in Germany, so whatever I could buy to get rid of this, it should be avaible here too ;-)
How do you power the Units? I had this problem when I was using "normal" 9V blocks (even the One Spot was crapp). Now I use T-Rex Fuel Tank Junior and it is silent :) Before this I tried the Harley Benton Power Plant but this unit has no isolated outputs and makes a lot of noise.
I just ordered an Ebtech HE-2, that was recommended in the G-System Forum.
We will see if this helps...
Use batteries :D - or good isolated power supplies as Hartmut suggested. The Thoman thing is total crap. Fortunately I only have a Wah in front of my amps, which I power off a battery.
If I were you I would eleminate the hum itself before killing sound with humeliminators... ;) This can also be less expensive.
duesentrieb":qo8yb1on said:
Use batteries :D - or good isolated power supplies as Hartmut suggested. The Thoman thing is total crap. Fortunately I only have a Wah in front of my amps, which I power off a battery.

Me too. I don´t need nothing in front of the Herbert.
I had a H&K Tubefactor which can´t be powered by a battery, but it didn´t caused hum. :confused:

THe only thing that causes hum are my fucking singlecoils. :D
You have to use two power supplies. One for the stuff in fromt of the amp and another for the stuff in the loop. Just had the same problem. People say, you can't use a single power supply for analoge and digital stuff together. They are right. Chris
Ok, today I decided to use my G-System only in the loop, because in front of the amp it takes away some of this crushing tone I love.
But I loved the possibilty to set my decimator into a switchable loop and have it automatically turned on and of by preset changes.
Other question: Maybe then I will go for a decimator pro rack g. Now I am afraid of getting rid of unwanted feedback, but therefore have to pay with hum again...

I tried a better power supply unit ( t-rex fuel tank) and the hum is gone,
but there is still a lot more of high-gain sizzle than without anything in front of the amp.

When I activate the unit (noisegate: decimator) I can calm it a little bit down, but not under a level which still is noticable higher than without a unit. Any help?
Pedal power 2+ ended all that shit for me..
Hell I had spots pedal pads all kinds of stuff thought it was my amps sold some nice ones till I learned about ground loops..
Pedal power 2+ ended all that no more crap hum buzz etc..
Mh, sounds like the advice with the T-Rex Fuel tank.
I have 30 days money back, so do you mean this unit is anything better?
Is there any difference between these two?

Thanks for your help :thumbsup: