Archery, anyone here a shooter?

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For a really long time in my early teens through my late 30's I was heavily into archery of all kinds. Always bow hunted, and got into shooting competitively. My main competition of choice was 3D tournaments, but I also dabbled a bit in 5-spot and Field. I shot in places all over Arkansas and Missouri, and a bit in Georgia when I lived in Atlanta in the mid-late 2000's. I've still got three bows, and all the various stuff that goes with the sport but I would guess that I haven't shot a bow with any regularity for probably about 10 years when it used to be a daily thing for me. To say I'm "rusty" would be an understatement. LOL

Fast forward to last week. I reached out to an old buddy of mine that I used to shoot with to see how he was doing. I hadn't talked to him in a couple of years, and thought I'd try to catch up. Long story short, we got to talking and it now appears that I'll be shooing in a 900 Round in Springfield, Mo. the early part of June. :oops: So yeah, gonna be shooting 90 arrows in one round at 40,50 and 60 yards (30 at each distance) and trying to use muscles that I haven't used in quite a while. Not sure how this is going to go, but I'm excited to get back into the sport. Even if it's just for this one shoot.

Anyone else here fling arrows??
Good luck brother! :rock:

Goes without saying that aiming(!) to just enjoy yourself is probably the way to go. :dunno:
Good luck brother! :rock:

Goes without saying that aiming(!) to just enjoy yourself is probably the way to go. :dunno:
Absolutely! I have zero expectations going into this as a "competition", I'm just doing it for fun. Although, it's hard to keep some of that competitive nature from surfacing. :p

It has been fun dragging out all my old stuff after all these years and discovering what I still have. Not quite as good as a NGD or a NAD, but sort of like a discount version of Christmas morning. :ROFLMAO:
Bow hunting is one of the things I have loved the most in the world for 4 decades now. I find myself as of late no longer wanting to kill animals unnecessarily so my archery skills are not what they used to be.

Anyway, yeah. Have fun. If you’ve not been to Springfield lately it’s a shithole compared to how it used to be. If you see my cousin tell him he still owes me that fifty bucks.
Yeah, we're up in Springfield quite often. It's definitely not the same. Crime seems to have really risen in the last five years. I never go without carrying a gun anymore. I'll keep an eye out for your cousin!! :p
Bow hunting is one of the things I have loved the most in the world for 4 decades now. I find myself as of late no longer wanting to kill animals unnecessarily so my archery skills are not what they used to be.

Anyway, yeah. Have fun. If you’ve not been to Springfield lately it’s a shithole compared to how it used to be. If you see my cousin tell him he still owes me that fifty bucks.
That $50 is long gone. Yeah I hear you man, I have seen so much death in my life, I'm a sap now and pick up beetles in the house and put them outside. Everyone else I know, just steps on them and I get pissed.
That $50 is long gone. Yeah I hear you man, I have seen so much death in my life, I'm a sap now and pick up beetles in the house and put them outside. Everyone else I know, just steps on them and I get pissed.
I saw a very large turtle smashed on the road this morning. Ruined my day.
I feel ya mate.

I don't "consciously" kill. Seen too much death and experienced too much tragedy to be able to bring myself to intentionally cause harm to others.
My lack of willingness to cause harm is primarily limited to “ dumb” animals. I’d kill 1000 men before I’d shoot an elephant.
Recurve shooter here. Same story as y’all’s, seen a painted turtle get run over Sunday , asshole swerved. I’m still pissed
About a year ago I watched an asshole swerve to hit a possum. Poor little dude limped his way across the rest of the street. I was super pissed. Little guy crawled up under a trailer. This was at work. I called an animal rescue place and by the time I met them back there he was gone. I tell myself he recovered fully and continued his life. Fucking people suck.
Many peeps but thankfully not all. :dunno:

Do you remember those bumper stickers that said " Mean People Suck" ? When I was married to my first wife I bought one. I cut the "Mean" off and put it on her car and put the "People suck" on mine. :) They were on those vehicles until we got rid of them. Well I think they were. She ended up with both cars after the divorce. And my Jeep. And my house. I took my dog, my guns, my guitars and my tools and me and the dog slept in my truck for a month or two until I saved up enough cash to rent a place. Picked up a habit and would surely be dead by now if I hadn't met my current wife of 24 years. Dog is dead 8 years now. I really, REALLY miss him too. No idea what happened to my wife. Last I heard she tried to pay a dealer I know 10k to kill her new husband. That was 15 years ago give or take.
Bowhunter here, and 3D shoot.
I do not shoot nearly as much as I used to in the off season. Still rockin' my 2008 DXT as my bow. Have a 2013 Elite Hunter as my backup.
I never LOVED to kill, but I love being out in the woods. Problem is - I love venison, so I will take an animal. I take my 2-3 deer a year, and a turkey if the opportunity presents. It doesn't go to waste.

Good luck OP.
You use the target style arrows (fatter shaft, to help with the scores)?
Bowhunter here, and 3D shoot.
I do not shoot nearly as much as I used to in the off season. Still rockin' my 2008 DXT as my bow. Have a 2013 Elite Hunter as my backup.
I never LOVED to kill, but I love being out in the woods. Problem is - I love venison, so I will take an animal. I take my 2-3 deer a year, and a turkey if the opportunity presents. It doesn't go to waste.

Good luck OP.
You use the target style arrows (fatter shaft, to help with the scores)?
That's the way conservationists do it sir. You're a good man.