Arrived: Maxon TOD-9 True Tube Overdrive

crankyrayhanky":20ajbe76 said:

Certainly don't need, but couldn't stop the GAS. Curious how this will play with the DMoll, Fortin, & 6505
Review to follow...

Wow, that's a pretty sweet sounding pedal.
The DRRI amp is nice sounding amp, with the pedal cranked it makes the amp sound like it does when the amps volume is cranked past 5 on the volume.
Sounds very convincing, very tube like.

Looking forward to reading your impressions on this pedal.
I'm hoping it is identical to a TS9 with the tube on zero, that would give me a nice edge/attack for hi gain applications. Dialing in the tube on low & mid gain amp settings would hopefully yield that Eric Johnson violin tone...because that's the only thing that really separates me from Eric, a quality tube overdrive :scared: :LOL: :LOL:
1st impressions:
I had this in line with my BB+ so I could to do some comparisons. For reference, this BB+ has 2 boosts- the red yields tight low end response and is more aggressive, the blue is a bit fatter and yields a more natural tone, retaining more low end. I usually hang on Red for most stuff, I like Blue for some leads

First I set it up the Maxon with the tube off and slight drive, as I normally would to juice a hi gain head. First thing I noticed is that I need to crank that volume all the way up and it still is a bit less than the red at 1oclock. No matter, it sounds great. But I think I prefer BB+ Red, not sure if it is because I am so used to it. It seems more hi fi, but maybe because it is brighter? I tweak to the Maxon tone knob presents lots of usable tones. i can actually envision playing this tone knob in extreme positions and enjoy it. Tone up and gets close to Red Tone; down and it gets warmer, but not muddy.

If this was it, I may return it due to redundency, and i like the BB+ better. But back the amp off a bit into a lower gain setting (which is still quite hi), and dial in the tube and it gets some really cool saturated sustain. Very inspirational for leads. I actually liek it most when I stack it after the BB+ Red, then lots of Maxon tube into the DMoll channel 2 gain around 11oclock. very cool. So cool it's a keeper, the 'feel' is wonderful....more to follow
Demo sounded pretty good. Only tones on the demo I didn't like was with just the tube and the drive all the way down. What I find interesting on the demo is that they have the amp set clean. When I use my stock od9, I like to goose the amp or another drive pedal, using a Tubescreamer as a boost is where it sines. A Tubescreamer into a clean amp and its a pretty ordinary pedal. Still the tube seems to add enough to make it work into a clean amp. The price seems pretty reasonable as well. Intrigued for sure, but likely going to stick with the od9.
Ok, I finally got to spend some time with the TOD9>Fortin Marshall. Awesome combination. The amp is awesome, but almost too much dry djent on its own, but this pedal does a great job of make it a bit phatter and way easier to play. Love this combo, making the pedal a must have as long as I have the Fortin. To note, as much as I love the BB+, it is not a great fit with this amp. Once I get the right combination of gear, I should be able to finish that trilogy ;)
Wow that pedal sounds really great. I am GASing for an OD pedal but I am still trying to think about whether or not I even need one with the 5153.
I have two OD-9's and an ibanez vintage tube screamer reissue and the the OD'9 is my fave OD pedal of all time hands down... This thing looks to be AMAZING !!!