New member
I'm considering putting together an AX8 pedalboard style rig similar to the one pictured below. I'm concerned about the concept of running direct though (since I won't have my own sound guy) and then just using QSCs as monitors on stage. Worried the sound I'm hearing on stage and what's coming out FOH won't be consistent. Also that having the guitar direct will totally screw up some of your less competant sound guys. I do have a Marshall JCM800 2203x Reissue half stack so I guess I could always use that as a power section with a 4x12 and just let the sound guy mic me, but the whole idea is really not to lug some much gear and always be able to have my tones.
So I guess my first thought is to get some opinions on whether or not I should be concerned if I program the rig through the QSCs and then just go direct? Especially from people who are currently doing so...
and secondly, for people using this kind of rig are you finding you need other pedals as well to make it work? or can these things really cover most all the bases with a few expression pedals? I'm playing pop rock and going for similar tones to Matchbox 20, Jeff Buckley, etc.
Also if anyone has an AX8 pedalboard rig would love to see pics of what you are running.
So I guess my first thought is to get some opinions on whether or not I should be concerned if I program the rig through the QSCs and then just go direct? Especially from people who are currently doing so...
and secondly, for people using this kind of rig are you finding you need other pedals as well to make it work? or can these things really cover most all the bases with a few expression pedals? I'm playing pop rock and going for similar tones to Matchbox 20, Jeff Buckley, etc.
Also if anyone has an AX8 pedalboard rig would love to see pics of what you are running.