Hey, first off, I just want to say, nice choice in gear
I have been using my Axe FX, 4 cable method, with my Mark V while my Herbert is away on repair holiday. It really sounds great!! I can't wait to get Herbert back home and hook-up the Axe FX, too. Diezel amps and the Axe are really sweet together because the Diezels are midi capable. I honestly don't know why other amp manufacturers don't embrace this, as it makes EVERYTHING easier!! I mean, sure, maybe not everyone wants a midi rig set-up, I just can't quite understand why not
I have to hook-up more gear in order to switch channels on the Mark V, because the mesa has no midi. Thanks to Peter for having the foresight to make things simple of us!
Anyway, f you look at the "big guys" touring, most of them have some sort of midi triggering in their rigs, even if not all the gear, because midi makes it possible to turn on and off/change channels on multiple devices at once. It is just sublime, when it is working...
As mentioned, if you have the 4 cable method hooked up correctly and the FX loop in your layout of EACH of the effects set-ups in the Axe, you really should be golden! You get the best of everything! Good luck and keep us posted on your experiences, because I am sure you are not the only one out there wanting to try this.