Hectic Watermelon
Egnater B’Man+Tonefreak Shoot-out
https://www.soundclick.com/util/getplaye ... 06066&q=hi
Shootout looking for some solo section tones on a Hectic Watermelon #2 tune in progress, here is the rundown of the shootout:
1. BMan Ch A
2. BMan Ch B
3. Bman Ch A + Tonefreak Albunai to add pich of dirt
4. Bman Ch B + Tonefreak Albunai to add pich of dirt
Each clip is reamped dry for first few measures, then some Axe FX slap delay and plate verb is added for good measure. Guitar is EBMM Morse with DiMarzio Anniversary PAF and Area 61 together. Although I usually hate reamping due to the tone suck, this turned out better than I had hoped when doing a channel/pedal shootout, so hence the clip fest.
https://www.soundclick.com/util/getplaye ... 06066&q=hi
Shootout looking for some solo section tones on a Hectic Watermelon #2 tune in progress, here is the rundown of the shootout:
1. BMan Ch A
2. BMan Ch B
3. Bman Ch A + Tonefreak Albunai to add pich of dirt
4. Bman Ch B + Tonefreak Albunai to add pich of dirt
Each clip is reamped dry for first few measures, then some Axe FX slap delay and plate verb is added for good measure. Guitar is EBMM Morse with DiMarzio Anniversary PAF and Area 61 together. Although I usually hate reamping due to the tone suck, this turned out better than I had hoped when doing a channel/pedal shootout, so hence the clip fest.