Been playing the Vh4 the last two days....

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and can't convince myself to sell it to finance the Axe Fx :no: it sounds TOO GODDAMN GOOD!!

SPECIALLY in channel 1 and channel 2, I 3 and 4 are classic VH4 and I looooove them, but I Know I can get close (VERY close) with the Axe Fx, but mannn that clean ch. and ch.2 are sweet! I honestly can't sell it right now. I' moving in sept. so there's still lots of time to decide, but for now it's staying. :D
I wouldn't sell it. The AxeFx is the flavor of the week and if you really dig the VH4, you'll regret selling it. I know I regret selling mine.
What? You would really sell the amp for some digital shit? Ok the axe might be good, i´ll never ever again use digital devices for live giging. For practicing ok, but the axefx is too expensive only for practicing.
Listen buddy, get yourself a second cab and a good fx to get a stereo setup. Thats power and sound. Throw your digital thoughts in the trashcan. :gethim:
This is good news, now I don't have to kick you in the ass.... :gethim:
Keep it, buy the Axe FX additionally and use the VH4 as a full amp and your Einstein as a dry/AxeFX slave/poweramp. Heaven :D
The Axe-FX is a great unit, but I ultimately decided to keep my VH4 and just sold my Axe-FX when faced with this same dillema... I'll probably get a newer Axe-FX sequel down the road though, even if it's just for the effects - they're really phenomenal and the control you have over it all is insane.
:doh: :rock: hehehe

the Vh4 is just an amazing piece of gear, and man chs 1 and 2 are incredible, specially for the kind of music I play the most which is NOT metal really, it's pop-rockish blues. The Einstein is a Winner too, and depending on how I'm feeling that day I plug one or the other (thank god they're so different in every aspect but still maintain that diezel flavor we all love)

I wanted to sell the Vh4 simply because I told myself that I couldn't buy another expensive piece of gear without parting with something (I'm trying to grow a business and it's really not fair nor intelligent to succumb to GAS while the business is growing), so since the Axe Fx had that great Vh4 model, I wanted to keep the Einstein too, but like I said, I cannot right now.....I've been playing the vh4 A LOT, and recording with it (poprock mostly, and I've been in heaven with ch. 1 and 2).

Olaf/Terry, or anyone you think down the road the guys from fractal could simplify the Axe and build an Fx box only? or made an amp sim only? what do you guys think is down the road for these guys? I'm still interested in owning it because man........having a Recto/Mark/JCM800-900/Jazz chorus, etc etc etc at the tip of your fingers must be something! but I CANNOT buy another 1,000 + piece of gear right now....... hell I still want a Diezel 2x12, which I've convinced myself I'll get once I'm in America (and thank God I have no space here, because GAS would be killing me :P)
I hate to break it to you again, buddy, but you have no clue how your VH4 sounds, especially CH3 & Ch4. I'm telling you, take it to a rehearsal space & crank it up with a 4x12 & then tell me if Axe-Fx can sound like that. The power section on Diezel amps is the most mean thing, once you get it up there you know that you won't need another amp again.
DEWD":3abwmnz0 said:
I wouldn't sell it. The AxeFx is the flavor of the week and if you really dig the VH4, you'll regret selling it. I know I regret selling mine.

Words of wisdom !

Don't sell the VH4 :gethim: :D
you're probably true nbart, I still haven't cranked the monster..... the loudest I've played it is ch. volume at 11:00 and master at 8:30 - 9:00 :( :thumbsdown:
The fun begins with the master at 9 o`clock and the preamp at about 11 to 12 o`clock. But put in some ear-protection (like elacin or something like that). :D
oh yeah, don't forget to wear earplugs kids!

I have two pairs, one of them are custom made 30db
Thank goodness because quite frankly, that is the Ferrari of amps, if you ask me. I would never trade something like that in for something digital and while it may sound great, it just doesn't have the mojo as the VH-4 does. After owning so much of the digital garbage over the years, I am very happy to have something that sounds real and plays the part. You are fortunate to have a couple of them in your posession!