Best attenuator for attenuation only?

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Opinions on something that just does attenuation and does it well? Tried the Ox Box, pretty nice, but had a hard time getting the volume right between the set levels. Also noticed a bit of tone suck. I’m not really doing a bunch of recording (yet?) nor do I need a lot of the bells and whistles. I just want to play my firebreathers in the basement and have them sound optimal. Torpedo Captor seems popular too; I did like how the Ox Box could accommodate different impedance levels.
I have a Captor, and to my ears I don't notice any tone suck. My biggest gripe is that it's a fixed dB reduction, yet in most cases it's really not a big deal at home.
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Aracom DAG is the best sounding and feeling I've owned. For reference, I've owned the Fryette PS-2, Alex Attenuator (Scumback DBLimiter), and the Hotplate, and this was my personal preference. The Alex/Scumback would be my second choice. Everyone loves the Power Station, but it does something to the sound and feel at low practice/bedroom volumes that I just couldn't dial out or fix. It doesn't sound very good or accurate at those levels, and the presence and deep controls didn't help in my case. ymmv.
A lot of love for the Fryette on the forums . . . But doesn’t that have a tube in it? I’m looking for a minimal fuss option that doesn’t require maintenance. With that said, the more I think about it, the more I do like the idea of something that can handle variable impedance since I have a 16ohm 412 cab and an 8 ohm 212 . . . At the moment anyway.
A lot of love for the Fryette on the forums . . . But doesn’t that have a tube in it? I’m looking for a minimal fuss option that doesn’t require maintenance. With that said, the more I think about it, the more I do like the idea of something that can handle variable impedance since I have a 16ohm 412 cab and an 8 ohm 212 . . . At the moment anyway.
The Aracom DAG will do variable impedence, down to 2ohm, and you can mismatch.
A lot of love for the Fryette on the forums . . . But doesn’t that have a tube in it? I’m looking for a minimal fuss option that doesn’t require maintenance. With that said, the more I think about it, the more I do like the idea of something that can handle variable impedance since I have a 16ohm 412 cab and an 8 ohm 212 . . . At the moment anyway.
The Fryette power station is a reamper, it takes you signal down to line level, then reamps it with included power amp.

The rivera rockcrusher has switchable impedance. That would be the one I would get if the Aracom DAG is out of your price range or you are not able to find the Aracom in stock.
the captor X has been the best sounding attenuator to my ear. It only has a couple levels of attenuation so it’s not ideal for every situation, but for “slightly louder than tv” levels, it’s just awesome
Opinions on something that just does attenuation and does it well? Tried the Ox Box, pretty nice, but had a hard time getting the volume right between the set levels. Also noticed a bit of tone suck. I’m not really doing a bunch of recording (yet?) nor do I need a lot of the bells and whistles. I just want to play my firebreathers in the basement and have them sound optimal. Torpedo Captor seems popular too; I did like how the Ox Box could accommodate different impedance levels.
What kind of amps are you running?
Having the same quest, something that attenuates without its' own internal power amp; the Fryette has tubes; others like Boss Waza have a solid state amp, and a bunch of things I don't want or need.

It seems simple enough: I want to run my amp and both cabs, hear my amp and cabs, and be able to adjust the level with the attenuator. A DI out with optional speaker emulation is an added bonus.

The closest thing I've found to what I want, which I haven't purchased yet, is the Koch Loadbox II Power Attenuator, DI box and Speaker Emulator. Rated at 120 W RMS. They make a smaller one, Dummybox Studio. Note you have to choose one that matches the output impedance of your power amp (single out) and your cab(s). I may get the 4 ohm version because I have two 8 ohm cabs, for example.

If anyone has one of these or gets one, I'd be interested in your thoughts.
Me too. I've been wanting a simple-form attenuation box for my OG Deliverance 60 head. It has no loop and goes from 0 to 60 almost instantly.
I'll add to the PS100, it is great for attenuation. I hate to say that it really depends on the amp. Most are perfect with the PS. Though, for Marshall type amps the Boss TAE is tops.
Another vote for the Fryette stuff. As good as it gets sound wise without the tone suck/treble loss. Owner of the PS100 and PL:IR. Couldn't imagine working without them.

The Weber, Ox box, Ironman and Rivera units are not that great IMO. The Rockcrusher Recording was my dream attenuator on paper but that unit was beyond disappointing to me. Like most attenuators, sounded dark, muddy and like a wooly blanket was hanging over your sound. Then when you go to correct with eq it added artificial sounding highs or "clarity", if you will. Just thinned out your sound.

Also, If you want something on the cheap, no shame here in an honorable mention would be the Bugera PS100. I still own one and it sounds great. biggest gripe and kind of a big negative is that it automatically attenuates half of your volume with the unit not even engaged, so you will never be able to get full volume with it if you choose. Otherwise sounds awesome with no tone suck as long as you have your amp at a healthy volume running through it.
Here you go, I will sell you mine.
