billy sheehan on new VH

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This was just posted by someone on vh@yahoogroups :

The Bx3 tour came through Oklahoma City last night.If any of y'all
out there get a chance please go and witness the bass event of a
lifetime!For those of you who don't know,the tour includes Jeff
Berlin (Alan Holdsworth,etc.),Stu Hamm (Joe Satriani,Eric Johnson)
and the one and only Billy Sheehan (Talas,uhhh...David Lee
Roth,Steve Vai).It's the bassist's answer to G3 but don't be
fooled.These bass players will blow away 99.9% of the guitarists
watching them!
So what does this have to do with VH?Well,I got a chance to talk
briefly to Billy after the show about a few things and his comments
bs-Great to meet you finally,Billy...I've been a fan since the
Talas days.
BS-Well thanks we had a great time playing here tonight.
bs-Ya know Fender recently released a custom shop relic of Eddie's
Frankenstien guitar...any plans for doing the same with your old
Tele bass?
BS-Ya know we talked to Fender about it but haven't moved on it.
bs-So does each of the (2)input jacks go to seperate pickups?
BS-Exactly-then on to seperate amps.
bs-Can I ask you a somewhat personal question?
bs-When Mike Anthony "left"Van Halen,did Ed give you a call?
BS-Yes he did.We talked for a while but ultimately I couldn't get
involved.It's really a situation I didn't wan't to get in the middle
bs-What do you think about his kid playing bass on the new tour?
BS-I think it's a huge mistake.The kid has no business being out
there with all the drugs and stuff.I think child welfare stepped in
at one point on this.I personally haven't had as much as an asprin
since 1973.
bs-So that explains it-why your're so good!I've never smoked,drank
or done a drug in my life.You know, my favorite
guitar player,Eric Johnson is the same way.I don't think he does
much of anything.
BS-Man what a TONE!!!
At this point the gracious Mr.Sheehan got lost in the throngs of
autograph seekers and "girlies" but hung around for about an hour at
a table no more than about a foot away from mine.I just couldn't
believe that the bass legend was sitting right there in front of
me...but he was and it was cool!What a nice guy.
Sheehan is also a Scientologist so I cant take anything he says seriously even he is right. :lol:
Telephant":7947c said:
Sheehan is also a Scientologist so I cant take anything he says seriously even he is right. :lol:

Yeah that's a red flag for sure :D
it is known that they tried to get Billy around the time of Fair Warning and Diver Down...